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Dream weddings

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  • #31
    You remember that commercial in the 80s that went like this:

    Guy is walking around in a circle in a small room, and says to himself:

    I work hard...

    So I can make more money...

    So I can do more coke...

    So I can work harder...

    So I can make more money...

    So I can do more coke...

    So I can work harder...

    *goes on an on like that*

    I've been around ALOT of people with drug problems so I know how painful it is. Unfortunatley just like you I've found that cutting ties altogether is the only answer.

    Sometimes you just gotta let them sink or swim.
    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


    • #32
      I had this horrible dream that I went to Las Vegas for 3 days, stayed at the Luxor, and slept with my brother-in-law.

      The last thing I remember before really waking up was 'waking up' on someone's lawn, hungover and sans pants and shoes, surrounded by cigarette ashes.

      I don't smoke OR drink alcohol. I don't think I do drugs, but I could be wrong about that - you know what they say about drugs and memory loss. I don't do drugs, just weed.

      And then there's this ring I can't seem to get off my hand...

      Must be one of those weird 'stereotypical dream' sequences, sort of like the dream where you have to take a final exam, in some subject you've never heard of, at some school you've never attended, in nothing but your skivvies.


      • #33
        Originally posted by st_swithin
        I could have made half the movies in Hollywood, by myself, for half the money and in half the time, and still have enough left over for a kick-a55 wrap party.

        How the FVCK do those people get so overbudget? Not that I want to be a pennypincher or anything, but doesn't anyone ever check to see what's being spent on what?
        Overtime + Union People = massive cost overrun. All it takes is one set that doesn't meet the director's standards. A friend of mine does sets (art director), and when they have to work all night to redo a set they call it "new car night". They aren't far off the mark, it certainly qualifies as a "used car night".
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ted Striker
          You remember that commercial in the 80s that went like this:

          Guy is walking around in a circle in a small room, and says to himself:

          I work hard...

          So I can make more money...

          So I can do more coke...

          So I can work harder...

          So I can make more money...

          So I can do more coke...

          So I can work harder...

          *goes on an on like that*

          I've been around ALOT of people with drug problems so I know how painful it is. Unfortunatley just like you I've found that cutting ties altogether is the only answer.

          Sometimes you just gotta let them sink or swim.
          Totally. Give them one chance, and then hit the road. If you don't they'll be fvcking you over from here to Thorozineday.
          He's got the Midas touch.
          But he touched it too much!
          Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


          • #35
            Yeah, most people who do coke do it only on days that end in "y."


            • #36
              Why were you married with this guy in the first place? He must have some redeeming qualities that attracted you. Beside, you can still sue the hell out of him since he has tons of money and you don't.


              • #37

                I had no say either...

                I just went to a wedding where all the women were fairies (the kind with wings) and all the men were goblins... really strange, but nice...

                I don't know of any pyramids that overlook the ocean, sorry... There is Tulum in Mexico that is a ruin city that overlooks the ocean, but no real pyramid. There is this thing:

                but the pyramid thing sounds like a good idea to me, but you had better ask you future wife, because I am already married... sorry.



                • #38
                  Well, he looks an awful lot like Kiefer Sutherland - in fact, he acts like him and dresses like him too.

                  That's pretty much it.

                  ****ty epitaph, huh? He's lucky I'm not the one writing it. Although if I did, it would say:

                  Here LIES Christopher Blair Hewish, only son of Christopher Max Hewish and Rebecca Blair Rowan-Hewish.
                  He sort of looked like Kiefer Sutherland.
                  Most heroic deed: spending time with his parents when they needed him the LEAST.

                  And who ever said I wanted his money? I didn't let him pay for ANYTHING for the first 2 years we were married - I paid for everything because I still wasn't comfortable being 'taken care of' by anyone else. The only reason I was finally FORCED to let him pay for sh1t was after I'd been out of work for almost 3 years.

                  The last job I got was working part-time in a retail store. Unfortunately, I never got paid, because the store owner (*Andy Neville) told me to fvck off after I told him to go fvck himself.

                  Well, I did, and he did, so we're all happy now.
                  Or, at least, I am.


