CNN is reporting that another top Al Qaeda leader has been captured and will most likely be checking in at the Gitmo Hilton. While this is great news that another Islamic terrorist has been taken out of circulation I'm thinking we're only getting half the story.
I mean look at what has happened in the last six months. Top Al Qaeda opporatives have been captured on a regular bases, Islamic terror plot after Islamic terror plot has been foiled before they could kill innocent people, regular warnings go out and flights out of whole cities have been stopped when words comes down that Al Qeada is going to shot down a plane, and the US catches SAM missiles which the Islamic terrorists were going to use to shot down planes in the US. This may be a conspiracy theory but I'm thinking the Allies just might have infiltrated into Al Qaeda. I mean how else could they have so much info about the who, what, when, where, and how of each attempted Al Qaeda attack before it happens?
I suppose some of the info could be coming captured Al Qaeda types being questioned at Gitmo but would these guys really have current opporational info? Surely, not months after they've been captured. What do you folks think? Has the CIA and MI-5 got a few spies inside the major Islamic Terror networks and is that were we keep getting the tip offs about upcoming attacks?
I mean look at what has happened in the last six months. Top Al Qaeda opporatives have been captured on a regular bases, Islamic terror plot after Islamic terror plot has been foiled before they could kill innocent people, regular warnings go out and flights out of whole cities have been stopped when words comes down that Al Qeada is going to shot down a plane, and the US catches SAM missiles which the Islamic terrorists were going to use to shot down planes in the US. This may be a conspiracy theory but I'm thinking the Allies just might have infiltrated into Al Qaeda. I mean how else could they have so much info about the who, what, when, where, and how of each attempted Al Qaeda attack before it happens?
I suppose some of the info could be coming captured Al Qaeda types being questioned at Gitmo but would these guys really have current opporational info? Surely, not months after they've been captured. What do you folks think? Has the CIA and MI-5 got a few spies inside the major Islamic Terror networks and is that were we keep getting the tip offs about upcoming attacks?