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Best Ever Movie - Round One

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  • #91
    Casablanca - best drama, best source of useful quotes (2)

    Harvey- best comedy (2)

    Tootsie- second best comedy (1)

    Saving Private Ryan- best war drama, best war special effects (2)

    Tora! Tora! Tora!- best documentary style war drama (1)

    Always- best romance (1)

    A.I.- best robot Sci-Fi movie (1)
    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


    • #92
      Originally posted by MrFun

      Fine, let me give you a list of the movies I really enjoyed:

      Patch Adams
      Did you know that the doctor on whom the film was based made a bundle off of the movie, then quit medicine and retired? He was a fairly young guy too, having practiced less than 10 years. So we're supposed to think of him as some sort of maverick who was so dedicated to healing people that he risked his career by thumbing his nose at the stoggy formal mannerisms of customary medical conduct in order to bring the healing gift of laughter to his patients? Ha! He laughed all the way to the bank!
      "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


      • #93
        Starwars, ep. 5 : the Empire Strikes back - 2

        Braveheart - 2

        Terminator 2 - 2

        The Great Escape - 2

        Matrix - 2
        "An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind" - Gandhi


        • #94
          Touch of evil: 5
          Citizen Kane: 5
          eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


          • #95
            citizen kane- 10


            • #96
              Originally posted by monkspider
              citizen kane- 10
              cheeky, i wnatred to do that for touch of eveil, but i oculdn't not give Citizen kane somehting
              eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


              • #97
                1) Fight Club - 1
                2) Shakespeare in Love - 1
                3) Twelve Monkeys - 1
                4) Patton -1
                5) Dr. Strangelove -1
                6) Full Metal Jacket -1
                7) Lawrence of Arabia -1
                8) The Maltese Falcon -1
                9) Unforgiven -1
                10) The Three Musketeers (1974)

                Ask me tomorrow and it will be 10 completely different films.
                He's got the Midas touch.
                But he touched it too much!
                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                • #98
                  Godfather - 4
                  Citizen Kane - 3
                  Casablanca - 2
                  Blade Runner - 1 (favorite movie but not the best ever)


                  • #99
                    The Matrix: I just went to see this on a whim, I had no idea what it was about or anything. It just blew me away.

                    2 points

                    The Truman Show: A brilliant premise that was used to great effect.

                    2 points

                    Gattaca: A convincing look at the future, and an excellent drama.

                    2 points

                    Memento: We were talking about this for weeks afterwards, incredibly inventive. Plus, the director's an Edinburgh lad.

                    2 points

                    Dumb and Dumber: The best comedy film ever.

                    2 points


                    • One each for:

                      Once upon a Time in America
                      Lawrence of Arabia
                      Hidden Fortress
                      2001 a Space Odyssey
                      The Empire Strikes Back
                      Dances with Wolves
                      Saving Private Ryan
                      The Grapes Of Wrath

                      For you who do not know, Star Wars is based on Hidden Fortress, by Akira Kurosawa. Hidden Fortress is better.


                      • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

                        Did you know that the doctor on whom the film was based made a bundle off of the movie, then quit medicine and retired? He was a fairly young guy too, having practiced less than 10 years. So we're supposed to think of him as some sort of maverick who was so dedicated to healing people that he risked his career by thumbing his nose at the stoggy formal mannerisms of customary medical conduct in order to bring the healing gift of laughter to his patients? Ha! He laughed all the way to the bank!
                        A physician friend of mine worked with him for a while and thought he was a bit of an ass. I heard that the movie was so bad that they are using it on the Al Qaeda hard cases in Guantanamo.
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • Honorable mention

                          She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
                          Dr. Strangelove
                          Mulholland Drive

                          Frankly, I understand the love for the Godfather. I really couldn't stand that movie. For lovable Mafia films, Once Upon a Time in America was much better. Robert DeNiro was never better than he was in this movie.


                          • For all the people listing 'Saving Private Ryan', you might find this interesting. It is from an interview of someone who was in the Rangers during the Second World War.

                            If you saw the movies "Saving Private Ryan" or "Band of Brothers", what would you say the most realistic parts were? The least realistic parts?

                            In SPR, to me, the most realistic part was the invasion - only the real invasion was about 10 times worse! The rest was pure garbage - Rangers did not react that way with each other. I watched three episodes of BOB and watched no more - found it too "hollywood." This is my opinion.


                            • Yeah, that opening scene in Saving Private Ryan is so good that it made the movie one of the best ever.

                              This is almost like the basic training scenes in Full Metal Jacket. They were so good as to make the movie an instant classic and R. Lee Ermey a star.


                              • Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

                                Did you know that the doctor on whom the film was based made a bundle off of the movie, then quit medicine and retired? He was a fairly young guy too, having practiced less than 10 years. So we're supposed to think of him as some sort of maverick who was so dedicated to healing people that he risked his career by thumbing his nose at the stoggy formal mannerisms of customary medical conduct in order to bring the healing gift of laughter to his patients? Ha! He laughed all the way to the bank!
                                So if someone really made an effort to improve the lives of other people, then took an opportunity to improve his life, we should just see him as an a**hole?
                                A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.

