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Dubya's Resume

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  • #31
    Eliminated Saddam's regime after 12 years and specifically 8 Clinton years of status quo.

    Liberated the Iraqi people from genocide, after 12 years and specifically 8 Clinton years of status quo.
    Don't conservatives use "well Clinton bombed the **** outta Saddam in '98" as an argument for war? It must be nice being able to talk out of both sides of your face.

    what people keep forgetting is that we NEVER HAD A SURPLUSp
    Yes we did numb nuts. The total public debt didn't go away, but the federal spending deficit did. It SURPLUSED for the first time since the 60's.
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #32
      oh by the way... Bush "liberated" the Iraqi people from a dictator that Reagan, and many of the same people in Bush's current admin, supported and supplied with the necessary pieces to create his WMD arsenal.

      But Iraq is not any better off now than before the war... and things aren't improving. In fact, there is complete anarchy. Women are kidnapped and raped when they leave their houses. Bush used Afghani girls for a PR stunt when he showed some girls going to school, which they couldn't do under the Taliban. Well, I think Mr. Bush should go on TV with the millions of Iraqi women and girls who CAN'T go to school in Iraq now.
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #33

        This used to be called "Total Information Awareness" and features a masonic pyramid with an eye. But it came under heavy criticism, so apparently they now call it "Terrorism Information Awareness" and they have a new logo.

        Now, if our government werent corrupt, this could work, BUT... Every government is corrupted. The United States definately not being an exception
        Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
        Long live teh paranoia smiley!

