Of course he does! Inside the brains of people that believe in god. Personally I can spot man-made things at a glance, the whole god thing is so obviously man-made it really does not impress me. Nature does exists, it's canvas is infinity and it's borders are... abit messy.
But it seriously puzzles me why anyone would want to believe God actually made the universe... and runs things... I mean that would be a horrible thing to be true, just look at the world! If God made the universe then include me out of it immediately.
I know this is a pointless kind of thread to start, akin to persuading a schizophrenic that a talking toad didn't make the moon to keep tabs on us all (he then replies 'Prove it!')
I just wanted to start a thread that generates lots of heat but little light to cook Spam with, and amuse myself with peoples inability to let their deepest held beliefs be affronted by other peoples deepest held beliefs.
ps- It's a blue toad, not a green one, and it made the moon as a night-lamp, so I was wrong to disagree.