I'm there with ya, Dom.
As much as I wanted to, and as much as some of them so SORELY deserved it, I ended up hurting myself instead to save them from my wrath.
I gots the scars to prove it. If you thought Fight Club was bloody, you shoulda seen my childhood.
I didn't like the Deep south too much - but I'd sure like to go to San Francisco again. Kinda like going back to tha muthaland of Caucasia and Asia combined.
As much as I wanted to, and as much as some of them so SORELY deserved it, I ended up hurting myself instead to save them from my wrath.
I gots the scars to prove it. If you thought Fight Club was bloody, you shoulda seen my childhood.
I didn't like the Deep south too much - but I'd sure like to go to San Francisco again. Kinda like going back to tha muthaland of Caucasia and Asia combined.