Rules: send me by PM answers to the following questions, bearing in mind that you will not be judged on the accuracy of said answers, but on popularity.
The questions for this round are thus:
1. In what year did you register on Apolyton?
2. What is your post count on Apolyton?
3. Which of Apolyton's smilies is your favourite?
4. Which Apolyton edition of IWS will be the last?
5. Other than "Iraq", what is the coolest word in the english language where the "q" is not immediately followed by a "u"?
6. Name a vegetable.
7. If you could make one celebrity post at Apolyton, who would it be?
Entries will be received until Noon GMT on Tuesday July 29th, and soon afterwards (hopefully) answars and results will be posted. Have y'allselves a nice weekend.
All answers are allowed. However, scoring is not based on what the "correct" answer is . It is based on how many other participants choose the same answer. So, for example, if I ask what fruit is the greatest, and 17 people say "banana," each person who answered "banana" will get 17 points for that question. If someone says "mango," and they're the only one, they will get 1 point for that question.
However, the answer doesn't have to even fit the criteria. If two people answer "I hate George W. Bush" when asked what fruit is the greatest, they will still get two points for that question.
Your individual score will be the total of your scores for all seven questions.
However, the answer doesn't have to even fit the criteria. If two people answer "I hate George W. Bush" when asked what fruit is the greatest, they will still get two points for that question.
Your individual score will be the total of your scores for all seven questions.
1. In what year did you register on Apolyton?
2. What is your post count on Apolyton?
3. Which of Apolyton's smilies is your favourite?
4. Which Apolyton edition of IWS will be the last?
5. Other than "Iraq", what is the coolest word in the english language where the "q" is not immediately followed by a "u"?
6. Name a vegetable.
7. If you could make one celebrity post at Apolyton, who would it be?
Entries will be received until Noon GMT on Tuesday July 29th, and soon afterwards (hopefully) answars and results will be posted. Have y'allselves a nice weekend.