Originally posted by st_swithin
University sucked the big hairy one.
But if you're dad is a bajillionaire, and he can afford to 'donate' $10,000,000 to the school of his choice, then you too can enjoy a UCLA degree of your choice!
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University sucked the big hairy one.
But if you're dad is a bajillionaire, and he can afford to 'donate' $10,000,000 to the school of his choice, then you too can enjoy a UCLA degree of your choice!
Please specify colour and font. Please allow 4-6 weeks for customisation and delivery of diploma.

In reality USC is also very highly ranked but if you have enough money then they'll let anyone in plus if you pay the full $500,000 over four years tuision costs then they will insure you get a degree at the end of four years even if you fail every class.