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  • #31
    Originally posted by Albert Speer
    poor little Caushun... he don't know what he's getting into...
    Could you be any more of a condescending bigot?

    I just love these baseless assertions from you and Drake. What would lead you to believe he isn't actually gay? Is Andrea Bocelli (the blind opera singer) maybe not blind because his disability has had an impact on his fame? Please.

    Maybe Caushun is a gay guy who also loves to rap and is trying to make a career out of it? Hmmmm? Oh, no that couldn't be a possibility! Only straight guys can be real rappers. Gays obviously would just be in it for the money and fame! Hmm, seem to remember similar claims about white rappers a while ago...

    In fact, maybe you should be impressed by Caushun' bravery. You point out that the rap world is vastly homophobic, yet here he is as an unflinching gay guy doing rap. I'd think you'd appreciate someone taking a stand like that in a world you admit is so hostile towards homosexuality is certainly brave.

    If you don't think he's talented, that's your opinion, but please stop the bull**** unfounded speculations as to his motivations. Someone could just as easily make the unfounded speculation that your own rap asperations are based on superficial teen angst and a desire just to make money so you can get out of your Philly slum. Not too fair, is it?
    Last edited by Boris Godunov; July 18, 2003, 09:24.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #32
      Uh, well. I guess these are the most common for me, in news and analysis. At least weekly. I try to get as broad a view as convenient. Can't be bothered to link though, sorry.

      BBC News
      The Christian Science Monitor (Better than it's name would imply)
      The Economist
      Google News (For searching)
      Eniro Nyhetssök (Ditto)
      Dagens Nyheter (Ntl broadsheet. Get the paper version as well, but a lot is available online.)
      SVT Text (Several times a day. Short & quick and really good in its niche.)
      Journalisten (Media about media)
      Svenska Fans (Sports)
      Aftonbladet (Sports, or when I just can't help it.)

      Then actual paper papers or magazines like Sydsvenska Dagbladet (sort of local), Axess and Scientific American (when I get around to renewing my subscription eventually). Dagens Forskning too was especially good before it went bankrupt.

      Generally I'd consider reading news more of a necessary evil than a pleasure. It can be so streamlined and superficial that it bores you a significant chunk toward death. At the same time it's the only way to find out what's happened, but thinking about the time wasted reading other people's opinions and others getting shot or making money or concocting future scandals... Luckily I'm not depressive, so the thoughts don't linger.


      • #33
        fine boris you proved me wrong in that there is a gay rapper... you do understand my doubts though... i mean when someone (who knows nothing about rap) just says, "there's a rising gay rapper" it does sound like that person mis-interpreted something. my apologies for doubting that fact... that does not however change the point that the rap industry is hostile to homosexuality... the reason why you brought up him in the other thread was to make the point that even rappers and their listeners are pro-gay and that point is not true as i said in this thread despite there being a gay rapper or two.

        "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
        "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


        • #34
          AS has a valid point. The rap industry has exhibited many forms of intolerence. Gays being a major one. Gay rappers being "on the rise" (interesting terminology BTW) is simply a mainstreaming of a popular musical genre. I do disagree that it is true that ALL rap listners are anti-gay. I think Boris has provided ample evidence of this.
          "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


          • #35
            I still don't think that you can consider Caushun a "rising" rapper. He gets all of his press because he is a gay rapper, not because he is particularly good or popular in the hip-hop community. He's nothing more than a human interest story.
            KH FOR OWNER!
            ASHER FOR CEO!!
            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Albert Speer
              the reason why you brought up him in the other thread was to make the point that even rappers and their listeners are pro-gay and that point is not true as i said in this thread despite there being a gay rapper or two.
              That's not true. I brought him up to highlight changing attitudes towards homosexuality within even the urban black setting. Could Caushun or any gay rapper be out and performing with any credibility 5 years ago? No. The very fact that he exists and is being successful shows that attitudes, while not "pro-gay," are not quite as homophobic as they once were.

              This is, of course, besides the fact that the attitudes of urban poor blacks and other minorities aren't representative of national sentiment, whatever you think of their representing the "proletariat."
              Tutto nel mondo è burla


              • #37
                Save time and money by making the most educated decisions and investments possible when choosing the right web hosting provider the first time

                Boris, I do not think this is a battle you can win. Maybe in another five years there'll be more gay rappers.
                "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                Drake Tungsten
                "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                Albert Speer


                • #38
                  Originally posted by monolith94
                  Boris, I do not think this is a battle you can win. Maybe in another five years there'll be more gay rappers.
                  "Win" what? My point stands that even the historically homophobic urban rap community isn't as bad as it used to be, so the trend indicates it will continue to get better. Considering that's all I was saying, I think I've adequately proven my case, as PLATO points out.

                  Of course, AS is diverting attention to the crux of the entire argument before, which was the dramatically increased acceptance of homosexuality among Americans in general. It's indisputable, but he lays claim to an (unsupported) notion that there's some great silent majority out there who are anti-gay but just aren't speaking out about it or voting about it. That was where this got started in the other thread.
                  Tutto nel mondo è burla


                  • #39
                    וואלה אתר החדשות הפופולרי בישראל. עדכונים, דיווחים ופרשנויות בעשרות ערוצי תוכן: חדשות, ספורט, מבזקים, סלבס, תרבות, אוכל, כלכלה, בריאות, אופנה ועוד.

                    אתר החדשות המוביל בישראל מבית ידיעות אחרונות. סיקור מלא של חדשות מישראל והעולם, ספורט, כלכלה, תרבות, אוכל, מדע וטבע, כל מה שקורה וכל מה שמעניין ב ynet

                    various Israeli news forums for important but downplayed stuff.
                    Apolyton and various other forums of course.

                    Once a week or so I do a major sweep of over 30 newspaper sites from around the world, opening a trillion of news reports and reading until my interest wanes.
                    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                    • #40
                      boris - win the argument that this rapper is any good or not. Not that the climate is improving for gays or not in the hip hop community.
                      "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
                      Drake Tungsten
                      "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
                      Albert Speer


                      • #41
                        I don´t think the climate has ever been good for gays in the rap community... I heard some lyrics from several others and a lot of it is homophobic. Anyways, what difference does it make? It shouldn´t matter if the guy is gay or not... just as long as his music is good for the audience that would listen.
                        For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Fez

                          I tried being more mellow with people... but that is not enough for the great old Boris.
                          Hey, what's this now -- a heretic who refuses to conduct himself to Bori's standards?
                          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                          • #43
                            Nothing is ever enough.
                            For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Fez
                              Nothing is ever enough.
                              By the way, are you still giving "helicopter" lessons?

                              A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by MrFun

                                By the way, are you still giving "helicopter" lessons?

                                You might aswell ask me out.. lol...

                                For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)

