Then again, what caused 13+14 to be bad numbers
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How come Jehova's witnesses only go bothering people door to door in nice weather?
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Originally posted by Proteus_MST
144.000 which is 12 * 12.000
Don´t know why but I think it has something to do with the 12 as a holy number.The world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do."
Originally posted by MattH
I think you're looking too far into this, st.
Then again, what caused 13+14 to be bad numbers
The desth card is the 13th card of the Major Arcana as well. The 12 times 12000 is the number of the sons of god which withstood the Beast and the Tribulation.
I don't know about 14 in the Tao-che,but that is where to find it.The world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do."
13 can also be taken as representative of Judas Iscariot...there are a bunch of reasons to hate the number, apparently.
While we're talking about superstitions, "four" is unlucky in Japanese. Not the number four, but the word for 4, "yan." So most people say "shi" instead of "yan"; both words mean four, it's just that people rarely ever say yan. I'm not even sure why the hell the word yan exists. What can I say, it's the way superstitions are.
As for the JW's, I remember reading that their founder was actually a former con man who was forced to admit in court that he lied about going to seminary, among other things. I live far enough back in the woods that neither they nor the mormons ever bother me, but just FYI...
Note also Galatians 1:6-9, the "anti-mormon clause." Basically says anybody who claims to have received further revelations beyond Christianity is to be considered a liar and shunned. I heard about it from some evangelicals a few years ago, and I bet it's useful for getting rid of door-to-door salvation salesmen in general. Anybody here ever try it out? Obi-wan, maybe?
As the only person with a Jehova's Witness-related user name I should be offended by this thread! Okay, so "Birdseed" means "Unbeliever, one who will be eaten by crows come revelation" in JW lingo, but still.Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21
I can find the exact characters in the Katakana Shi I confirm to be the standard four numeral but it means death when it is a verb/adverb character such as ****ai - corps Hisshi -certain death( desperation) and as for explaining Yan would be a lord or the night ,but my Character book says Yo-n soft O in prefix mode is this.There is a deeper derivation even yet but it has to do with Taoist divination for all practicle purposes Yan is of the same meaning as 13.The world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do."
Originally posted by Combat Ingrid
It seems you don't need to give them money to be one of "the chosen". Even though I believe in monkeys, listen to death metal, and refused to read the bible with these guys, they still claimed I was one of the (144.000) chosen. I think they knew because I have a holy mark on my forehead or something like that
No. If I remember correctly, the chosen ones will together build the new Jerusalem, the paradise where everything will be so great and nice and so on
At least we don't have to burn for an eternal eternity
The anointed go to heaven. Most were selected prior to 1935. Supposedly the selection experience is unmistakable, subjectively. While you don't *have* to donate anything, if you don't or didn't do anything to advance the cause of the JWs, it's unlikely they would believe your claims to be of the anointed. The anointed will become the co-rulers for Jesus.
All the rest of us who don't die would be saved to eternal life here on earth, and will work under the direction of Jesus and the anointed to rebuild Paradise.