I'm sure this is the medical advice many of you have been waiting for 
Handy way to beat cancer
By Michael Bradley
July 17 2003
The Pope may tell you it will make you blind, but a group of Australian researchers say it has at least one medical advantage.
The more men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer later in life, says Professor Graham Giles, from Cancer Council Victoria.
He and his team quizzed 1079 prostate cancer patients and compared their answers with 1259 healthy men of the same age. They found the risk of developing prostate cancer was reduced by a third for men who ejaculated daily during their 20s, compared with those who did so only three times a week.
Previous studies have suggested high sexual activity could increase the risk of the cancer. But Professor Giles says those studies only covered intercourse.
The research was inspired by recent studies linking breast cancer with the amount of times a women lactates.
"The prostate gland is similar to a breast in that it's an organ destined to secrete a fluid," Professor Giles said. "It occurred to us that, if the seminal fluid is not flushed out of the ducts sufficiently, then chemical changes may occur which may in due course lead to an increased risk of cancer."
Professor Giles, whose study will be published in the British Journal of Urology, conceded that embarrassment may have prompted less-than-honest answers - but the work of another scientist may allay his concerns.
Anthony Smith, from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, found men were far more comfortable discussing their masturbation habits than their income.
Why is it always "Australian researchers" who come up with these things

Handy way to beat cancer

By Michael Bradley
July 17 2003
The Pope may tell you it will make you blind, but a group of Australian researchers say it has at least one medical advantage.
The more men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer later in life, says Professor Graham Giles, from Cancer Council Victoria.
He and his team quizzed 1079 prostate cancer patients and compared their answers with 1259 healthy men of the same age. They found the risk of developing prostate cancer was reduced by a third for men who ejaculated daily during their 20s, compared with those who did so only three times a week.
Previous studies have suggested high sexual activity could increase the risk of the cancer. But Professor Giles says those studies only covered intercourse.
The research was inspired by recent studies linking breast cancer with the amount of times a women lactates.
"The prostate gland is similar to a breast in that it's an organ destined to secrete a fluid," Professor Giles said. "It occurred to us that, if the seminal fluid is not flushed out of the ducts sufficiently, then chemical changes may occur which may in due course lead to an increased risk of cancer."
Professor Giles, whose study will be published in the British Journal of Urology, conceded that embarrassment may have prompted less-than-honest answers - but the work of another scientist may allay his concerns.
Anthony Smith, from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, found men were far more comfortable discussing their masturbation habits than their income.
