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  • ill give this a little bump
    "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
    - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
    Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


    • hello i'm having some problems finding information on modifiers.

      as a human fighter i'm not sure how to work these out.

      Ellestar used a con 2 modifier to work out my hit points where is this information in the handbook?

      Also for combat i need to know my str mod or dext mod. how do i assign values for these?
      Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


      • As i already said, look at Table 1–1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells in Player's HandBook (and in System Reference Document too)

        Score - your ablity score
        Modifier - you ablility modifier (it's equal to a (Score-10)/2, rounded down)

        Table 1–1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells
        	——————————————————— Bonus Spells (by Spell Level) ——–——————–—————————————
        Score	Modifier	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9
          1	–5		————————–—————— Can’t cast spells tied to this ability —————————————————
          2–3	–4		————————–—————— Can’t cast spells tied to this ability —————————————————
          4–5	–3		————————–—————— Can’t cast spells tied to this ability —————————————————
          6–7	–2		————————–—————— Can’t cast spells tied to this ability —————————————————
          8–9	–1		————————–—————— Can’t cast spells tied to this ability —————————————————
        10–11	  0		—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
        12–13	+1		—	1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
        14–15	+2		—	1	1	—	—	—	—	—	—	—
        16–17	+3		—	1	1	1	—	—	—	—	—	—
        18–19	+4		—	1	1	1	1	—	—	—	—	—
        20–21	+5		—	2	1	1	1	1	—	—	—	—
        22–23	+6		—	2	2	1	1	1	1	—	—	—
        24–25	+7		—	2	2	2	1	1	1	1	—	—
        26–27	+8		—	2	2	2	2	1	1	1	1	—
        28–29	+9		—	3	2	2	2	2	1	1	1	1
        30–31	+10		—	3	3	2	2	2	2	1	1	1
        32–33	+11		—	3	3	3	2	2	2	2	1	1
        34–35	+12		—	3	3	3	3	2	2	2	2	1
        36–37	+13		—	4	3	3	3	3	2	2	2	2
        38–39	+14		—	4	4	3	3	3	3	2	2	2
        40–41	+15		—	4	4	4	3	3	3	3	2	2
        42–43	+16		—	4	4	4	4	3	3	3	3	2
        44–45	+17		—	5	4	4	4	4	3	3	3	3
        etc. . . .
        Last edited by Ellestar; July 16, 2003, 07:29.
        Knowledge is Power


        • thanks.
          Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


          • sorry for all the questions but i have one about my weapon.

            Katana base damage is 1d10.

            I have Exotic Weapons Proficiency (Base attack bonus +1 or higher) Katana
            Weapons Finesse.
            as two of my feats.

            so is the total damage from katana 1d10 + 1 (from exotic weapon prof.) +3(from dex modifier, normally str but i have weapons finese)

            so katana damage is equal to 1d10 + 4 ???

            Also katana is a medium sized weapon I am medium sized and i wish to use it two handed. Can i add a strength modifier to the damage as well equal to 1.5 x str modifier. (combat basics p154)
            Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


            • Originally posted by Makeo
              sorry for all the questions but i have one about my weapon.

              Katana base damage is 1d10.

              I have Exotic Weapons Proficiency (Base attack bonus +1 or higher) Katana
              Weapons Finesse.
              as two of my feats.

              so is the total damage from katana 1d10 + 1 (from exotic weapon prof.) +3(from dex modifier, normally str but i have weapons finese)

              so katana damage is equal to 1d10 + 4 ???

              Also katana is a medium sized weapon I am medium sized and i wish to use it two handed. Can i add a strength modifier to the damage as well equal to 1.5 x str modifier. (combat basics p154)
              You'll have to choose which modifier you are using (you can choose on each attack if you wish). If Str, then you get 1.5 x your Str modifer added, if Dex, then you get your +3 Dex modifier added.


              • Kramerman: Just choosing what I need. My second books don't have them, but the 3rd don't have non-weapon proficiencies... Maybe you could explain what I should choose as a Priest (cleric). My char is on the first page.

                Bah, why'd they have to change all this stuff
                cIV list: cheats
                Now watch this drive!


                • wraith linked to a good character site.

                  the excel general character sheet will be good for future modification and additions i think
                  Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                  • mine Here

                    takes a while to load. its a bit rough but i'll clean it up.
                    Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.


                    • To Makeo:

                      You can't use Weapon Finesse with Katana (only Jajitsu Master Prestige Class from Oriental Adventures gets this ability as a class ability, but you need to start as a Samurai (Oriental core class) to get Jaijutsu Focus Skill).
                      Ask DMs may you be a Samurai 1 instead of a Fighter 1. (Don't forget to take better Charisma in this case).

                      Also, you are still using Str modifier to a damage with a weapon even if you have a Weapon Finesse. It's said in the rules that you can use Dex Mod instead of Str Mod on attack rolls only.

                      Also katana is a medium sized weapon I am medium sized and i wish to use it two handed. Can i add a strength modifier to the damage as well equal to 1.5 x str modifier. (combat basics p154)

                      You may choose to use it 2-handed to get 1.5 Str Mod to damage.


                      To MattH

                      Concentration is a good skill for every spellcaster - it allows to cast successfully while distracted (say, you are taking damage at the time of casting)

                      Knowledge (Religion) - always useful for a cleric. IMHO every cleric should have at least several ranks in this skill.

                      You may take several ranks in Craft (something) skill - say, Craft (Weaponsmithing), but it's worthless to a adventuring PC. But you may take several ranks because you are a Dwarf.

                      It may be useful to have a Diplomacy skill, but we always roleplayed this instead of just rolling dices, so i don't know if it's useful in this campaign.

                      Also look at the skill descriptions in Player's HandBook or System Reference Document.

                      From PHB:
                      Class Skills
                      The cleric’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter 4: Skills for skill descriptions
                      Last edited by Ellestar; July 16, 2003, 13:11.
                      Knowledge is Power


                      • MattH-
                        i dont know much about good clerical feats (ive focused on the fighter realm), but would be happy yo look into it for you. clerics are semi-fighters, so you may wanna look into some of the fighting feats, as well as the spell casting feats.

                        If you need to look at the list of feats, just ask, and i can post them. actualy, i might go ahead and post the list of feats so everyone can see them...
                        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                        • Here is the list of feats. I didnt want to list all the descriptions in fear of copy right infringment by wotc, who are notoriously anal about their stuff.

                          If you have questions about the feats, just ask, im sure someone can help you. if i get more time, i might try and post all the descriptions later, unless some else does it before me.

                          THE FEATS
                          (*)Alertness [General]
                          (*)Ambidexterity [General]
                          Armor Proficiency (heavy) [General]
                          Armor Proficiency (light) [General]
                          Armor Proficiency (medium) [General]
                          (*)Blind-Fight [General]
                          Brew Potion [Item Creation]
                          Cleave [General]
                          Combat Casting [General]
                          Combat Reflexes [General]
                          Craft Magic Arms and Armor [Item Creation]
                          Craft Rod [Item Creation]
                          Craft Staff [Item Creation]
                          Craft Wand [Item Creation]
                          Craft Wondrous Item [Item Creation]
                          Deflect Arrows [General]
                          (*)Dodge [General]
                          Empower Spell [Metamagic]
                          (*)Endurance [General]
                          Enlarge Spell [Metamagic]
                          Extend Spell [Metamagic]
                          Extra Turning [Special]
                          Exotic Weapon Proficiency [General]
                          Expertise [General]
                          Far Shot [General]
                          Flyby Attack[General]
                          Forge Ring [Item Creation]
                          Great Cleave [General]
                          (*)Great Fortitude [General]
                          Heighten Spell [Metamagic]
                          Improved Bull Rush [General]
                          Improved Critical [General]
                          Improved Disarm [General]
                          (*)Improved Initiative [General]
                          Improved Trip [General]
                          Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
                          Improved Unarmed Strike [General]
                          (*)Iron Will [General]
                          Leadership [General]
                          (*)Lightning Reflexes [General]
                          Martial Weapon Proficiency [General]
                          Maximize Spell [Metamagic]
                          Mobility [General]
                          Mounted Archery [General]
                          Mounted [General]
                          Multiattack [General]
                          Multidexterity [General]
                          Multiweapon Fighting [General]
                          Point Blank Shot [General]
                          Power Attack [General]
                          Precise Shot [General]
                          Quick Draw [General]
                          Quicken Spell [Metamagic]
                          Rapid Shot [General]
                          Ride-By Attack [General]
                          (*)Run [General]
                          Scribe Scroll [Item Creation]
                          Shield Proficiency [General]
                          Shot on the Run [General]
                          Silent Spell [Metamagic]
                          Simple Weapon Proficiency [General]
                          Skill Focus [General]
                          Spell Penetration [General]
                          Spell Focus [General]
                          Spell Mastery [Special]
                          Spirited Charge [General]
                          Spring Attack [General]
                          Still Spell [Metamagic]
                          Stunning Fist [General]
                          Sunder [General]
                          (*)Toughness [General]
                          Track [General]
                          Trample [General]
                          Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
                          Weapon Finesse [General]
                          Weapon Focus [General]
                          Weapon Specialization [Special]
                          Whirlwind Attack [General]
                          "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                          - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                          Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                          • To MattH

                            A "must have" Feats for all Clerics:
                            Extend Spell (at lvl 3 or lvl 6)
                            Persistent Spell (at lvl 9)

                            For spellcasting Cleric:
                            Spellcasting Prodigy - you may take it at 1st lvl only - your Wis treated as 2 more for spellcasting purposes (=better Difficulty Class (DC) of spells (harder to resist harmful effects of spells to enemies) and you gain bonus spells for (Wis+2) instead of (Wis)). Take it if you want a spellcasting cleric.
                            Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration - +2 and another +2 (to a total of +4 with both Feats) to overcome Spell Resistance (another type of defense vs. spells) of a target. Take it if you want a spellcasting cleric.

                            In Faerun it's better to play an Elf if you want a Cleric Archer, so you don't need them.
                            For a melee Cleric

                            Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting to fight with a Quarterstaff - this is for good melee damage.

                            Or some other melee path - say, i like Expertise, Improved Trip, Knockdown, but it's good for a high-strength classes (say, Barbarian or Fighter/Barbarian) and even better with a Spiked Chain weapon.

                            Expert Tactician allows one extra melee attack against one foe who is within melee reach and denied a Dexterity bonus against your melee attacks for any reason.
                            Last edited by Ellestar; July 17, 2003, 05:39.
                            Knowledge is Power


                            • well, the gods I picked don't allow quarterstaff (and I really like those dieties...). Otherwise, looks good

                              I'm going to read straight through the 3rd book in a couple of minutes, thanks for all your help!
                              cIV list: cheats
                              Now watch this drive!


                              • bump

                                Who still needs help?

