First off -- homophobes or ignorant dunces need not apply to this thread with their usual red herrings, slippery slope arguments, hysteria, holier-than-thou moralizing, etc, etc.
Now, I have some questions for other gay and bisexual Apolytoners -- and if there are any heterosexuals who think they might have insight, share them.
There are some gays who claim that our culture is stuck in this perpetual adolescence attitude -- what exactly do they mean, anyway when they make this claim?
Plus, I have become more aware of the hatred that elderly gays suffer from other gays -- woud we ourselves like to grow old someday, if this bigotry remains within our minority group?
And I realize the drug use and alcoholism is partly due to the stress we face in living in a heterosexist, homophobic society, but I'm hoping that sooner or later, these victims find better, healthier ways to deal with whatever problems they have.
And this issue of monogamy versus open relationships -- to me, it seems to be a more prevelant issue among us homosexuals than heterosexuals. I guess one could partly blame the heterosexist society that discourages us from forming stable, productive relationships. But I have met, and do know gays who have monogamous relationships -- but they're in the minority of the minority. Maybe open relationships are not a problem anyway??
Again, if there are hetero Apolytoners who would like to express a decent opinion or ask a decent question, as somone looking from the outside, go ahead.
But since I'm asking for decency and respect, this excludes the homophobes from participating (you know who you are).

Now, I have some questions for other gay and bisexual Apolytoners -- and if there are any heterosexuals who think they might have insight, share them.
There are some gays who claim that our culture is stuck in this perpetual adolescence attitude -- what exactly do they mean, anyway when they make this claim?
Plus, I have become more aware of the hatred that elderly gays suffer from other gays -- woud we ourselves like to grow old someday, if this bigotry remains within our minority group?
And I realize the drug use and alcoholism is partly due to the stress we face in living in a heterosexist, homophobic society, but I'm hoping that sooner or later, these victims find better, healthier ways to deal with whatever problems they have.
And this issue of monogamy versus open relationships -- to me, it seems to be a more prevelant issue among us homosexuals than heterosexuals. I guess one could partly blame the heterosexist society that discourages us from forming stable, productive relationships. But I have met, and do know gays who have monogamous relationships -- but they're in the minority of the minority. Maybe open relationships are not a problem anyway??
Again, if there are hetero Apolytoners who would like to express a decent opinion or ask a decent question, as somone looking from the outside, go ahead.

But since I'm asking for decency and respect, this excludes the homophobes from participating (you know who you are).