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The Best War Movie

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  • Can't believe the beating Thin Red Line is taking. Loved the movie, as for someones criticism of the voice-overs, when I was watching it I got the impression that it wasn't taking place at the same time as the action. Loved the slow dreamy feel of it. I can understand why people who like war movies wouldn't like it though, as it isn't a traditional type.

    I'm glad someone mentioned Come and See. I was trying to remember that name while reading this thread. I still don't know if I liked it or not, it was absolutely unbearable to watch, mainly because it was so good in portraying the atrocity of it all. So I guess I would call it a good war movie.

    Another great is Seven Beauties, an Italian film that deals with an Italian deserter (go figure) getting caught by Germans and thrown into a concentration camp. Come to think of it I'm not sure you could onsider this a war movie but for the fact that it happens during the war. Anyway its absolutely hilarious, Giancarlo Giannini is amazing.

    I love seeing foreign war movies as there are so many from the american point of view. Anyone know if there are any good Japanese war movies?


    • Patton
      Kelly's Heroes
      Tora Tora Tora
      Das Boot
      Glory (great musical score)

      But the opening battle scene (D-Day) in Saving Private Ryan was the best


      • My list (not necesserely in that order)

        From Here to Eternity
        Black Hawk Down
        Guns of Naverone
        The Cruel Sea
        Saving Private Ryan (only for the realism)
        Battle of the Bulge (I love those tank battles)

        The best is 'The Hill' , set in wartime but arguably not a full on War movie.

        Im sure ive forgotten loads but we've already had Platoon and a few of the other obvious ones, I prefer the earlier war movies and am a bit of a romantic I suppose.


        • eek nearly forgot......

          The Dam Busters.


          • What about Zulu Dawn


            Shaka Zulu?

            Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


            • The Great Escape


              • Not mentioned yet:


                Mr. Roberts

                Dr. Strangelove (cold war)


                • This just makes me wanna go out and hire war movies!!!

                  I quite liked TRL, but i can understand why other people didn't, as it was slow Movies like that depend mostly on your mood at the time of seeing it. I actually hated 2001, but i was 13 at the time. I saw it again as an adult, and it still bored my ****less.

                  However, i have since read the book, loved it to death, and want to see it again. This time i'll fast forward the excruciatingly slow bits, and i'm sure i'll like it

                  I loved Saving Private Ryan, despite the ordinary plot. Braveheart was great except for the poetic license they took on history, and Gladiator was quite simply a great yarn.

                  I can't remember Guns of Navarone, except for the fact that i liked it, and i'm still waiting to get a copy of Apocalypse Now!

                  Also, am i the only one here that fears what Oliver Stone and Baz Lurhman are likely to do with their respective portayals of Alexander the Great?

                  Personally, i think the truth will be somewhat in between the bloodthirsty maniac and the singing and dancing versions that those directors are likely to portray


                  • Originally posted by ajbera
                    Not mentioned yet:


                    Mr. Roberts

                    Dr. Strangelove (cold war)
                    How could I forget that, and to a lesser extent Ensign Pulver, althoug it wasn't nearly as good.

                    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                    • Cant choose just one.
                      here is a short list:

                      The Longest Day
                      Dirty Dozen
                      Tora Tora Tora
                      Bridge Over the River Quay (I think that is how it is spelled)

                      Honorable Mentions :
                      Starship Troopers
                      The Japanese Godzilla movies
                      I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy


                      • Starship ****ing Troopers?!!!

                        Surely you can't be serious?!! SFT was the worst movie i've ever seen!!

                        Plot: Earth gets attacked by an unknown force of spidery-thingies, from a place we have only a vague idea of where it is. So, without any *actual* plans, we send a bunch of bimbos and himbos with 20th century weaponry and kick the hell out of whatever happens to be there! ROCK ON!!!

                        Please, never mention that movie in my presence again!! It added an entirely new level to the term 'moronic'


                        • Originally posted by DanS
                          Well, he did say they were for "internal consumption".

                          The Germans are always portrayed as very organized and capable in US WWII movies--why would they be worth fighting otherwise? I wonder why Russian war movies are so different...

                          This is exactly what I meant, DanS.
                          Those movies were created during Soviet times and sure contained some propaganda, but in comparison with enemy at the gates, they were just fine. Those Soviets movies were for 'internal consumption', like for example Pearl Harbor. Imho, Pearl Harbor sucks, but I guess Americans like it.
                          I guess if Russian director will shoot a movie about French army in WW2, then more probably French will find this movie stupid, inaccurate and insulting. I feel the same about 'enemy at the gates'. This movie is insult to Russians. I guess we should retaliate and create something like- "The white flag"- a heroic saga about defence of Paris. A movie where French will be shown running with tails between their legs every time they see an enemy.
                          Last edited by Serb; July 11, 2003, 01:31.


                          • Originally posted by Arrian

                            Never saw Black Hawk Down, and am surprised it even got mentioned. Is it worth watching? I expected a flag-waving pukefest.

                            You are absolutely correct in your expectations.


                            • Originally posted by Pekka
                              Also had the famous Mannerheim-line, simular to Maginot line. Never was penetrated.
                              Actually it was penetrated.
                              Last edited by Serb; July 11, 2003, 01:39.


                              • I feel the same about 'enemy at the gates'. This movie is insult to Russians.

                                Why? The portrayal of the Soviet Army in "Enemy At The Gates" was completely accurate.
                                KH FOR OWNER!
                                ASHER FOR CEO!!
                                GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!

