Well, my Qiwi has an AthlonXP 2500+ (not OCed during the summer), 1 GB of RAM, and will have 60 GB of drive space once I get RAID running.
But we're working with the MC68HC11 microcontroller in one of my classes this semester, and it's really amazing. The 6811 has a processor clocked at 2MHz, 64K of addressable space, and five registers (two 8-bit accumulators, two 16-bit index registers, and the CCR). And when you get down to the basic structure, two million cycles is really a lot to work with. When each opcode takes just a few cycles, and it does $0000 to $FFFF in 32.77 ms, you can really do a lot of comparatively complex stuff very quickly on that little device.
But we're working with the MC68HC11 microcontroller in one of my classes this semester, and it's really amazing. The 6811 has a processor clocked at 2MHz, 64K of addressable space, and five registers (two 8-bit accumulators, two 16-bit index registers, and the CCR). And when you get down to the basic structure, two million cycles is really a lot to work with. When each opcode takes just a few cycles, and it does $0000 to $FFFF in 32.77 ms, you can really do a lot of comparatively complex stuff very quickly on that little device.