Buy what you can in bulk. The bulk rice thing is a good idea. Buying lower grade meat that you can cook up and divide for the week is good.
Also go to as many campus events as possible. If my Uni is like anyone else's then there's usually free pizza/soda/snacks at many events. If you participate in students orgs, many will skim and use some of the cash for food.
If you can, work at or get to know anyone working in food services. Working food service jobs means free food.
Pool your cash with at least a few of your buddies and buy a pizza or three a week. Most pizza places near campus offer cheap 2 for 1 specials that give you a huge bang for your buck.
Also go to as many campus events as possible. If my Uni is like anyone else's then there's usually free pizza/soda/snacks at many events. If you participate in students orgs, many will skim and use some of the cash for food.
If you can, work at or get to know anyone working in food services. Working food service jobs means free food.
Pool your cash with at least a few of your buddies and buy a pizza or three a week. Most pizza places near campus offer cheap 2 for 1 specials that give you a huge bang for your buck.