We never depended on The Person To Whom You Refer to anywhere near the same degree you depend on J****.

The thing is with our playing talent now, and the far better structured support and coaching setup, we should never fade totally away again. Well I can but hope.

Ben Kay strikes me as a very good player, but, unless there's a side to him that I haven't seen, not a Leader Of Men as J**** is.

But internationally the boys really in the frame are the vice captains Vickery and Wilkinson. I’ve bemoaned Vickery before – he is only in the frame because of Glaws purple patch and he has never convinced me with his on field decision making. Wilko, well he has enough on his plate and I’m not sure I want him saddled with the Captaincy. Of the two, from what I’ve seen of the club captaincy from them, it has to be Wilko.
Of course everything is cyclical, and England's turn at the top of cycle happens to coincide with a WRC year.

Only a fool wouldn’t expect the tri-nation sides to return to the top at various points. Although the Boks have a huge amount of work to do at the moment.
Gee, President Tony can't take much of a trick these days, can he? Rolled within his own party over fox hunting too?
For starters the Lords has not been dissolved but has been hugely changed in nature. It’s still an invitiational house but that is now solely down to political patronage and there are less delgates overall. What has happened is that the hereditary inbreds have been kicked out and can no longer thwart the will of the people – only these political appointees can now (some of which are still the self same inbreds). A very English revolution.

It’s a fascinating place to be right now here in England. Even if the Lords bounce the bill again it’s reached the stage where Parliament can then impose it (the Lords cannot continually thwart the will of the Commons – they can send legislation back three times I believe then the metaphorical two finger are dtuick up by the ‘plebs’).
Of course I live in a huge Fox hunting area so it’s particularly interesting for me. I’m against it by the way – I’m very well aware foxes need controlling (far too successful little animals) but Fox hunting has nothing to do with that and everything to do with social elitism. Weigh five men with guns against hundreds of nobs dressed to the nines on horseback – and they argue the hunt is the most efficient way of doing the job!

And Alastair Campbell and the ‘apology’ argument? Tactical error by Tony. The British people largely have great affection for Auntie and it’s hard to see what they have done wrong when the Government refuses to give any proof of this 45 minute business – alledged to be made up by this one BBC source that Auntie is protecting (in the best journalistic practice). The same cannot be said of Campbell (former Mirror journo thought of as Tony’s 'King Spin'). Most of us are smart enough to realise Campbell is trying to deflect the questions about the 45 minute nonsense in the WOMD report presented to Parliament.
This could really come back and bite Tony hard. Didn’t Watergate start from a smaller acorn than this?

Sometimes I wish I were lazy enough to let some of those angry smilies through to the 'keeper.

Winning with grace makes it much easier to lose with grace.

Mmmm. These things are never a one-way street. I wonder who initiated it.

No more harsh than any hungry, bad-mannered lion would be with any pair of innocent baby zebras he stumbled across.
At the same time the tri-nations is about to start in earnest so there is plenty for us to put under the
