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I just had to post this letter to Hilary

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  • #46
    Originally posted by gunkulator
    What on earth are you talking about? I can't remember even one negative peep from anyone about Ferraro. Gerry had some bad press from her husband's shady real estate dealings but that was about it.
    Gee, besides Bush Sr.'s thouroughly condenscending treatment of her--there was the rightist behavior that her candidacy was a joke. Wasn't helped by the supposedly-liberal media, which paid more attention to her diet plans and wardrobe than her positions as a candidate.

    I call 'em as I see 'em. Imran is right. Hillary Rodham would never have carpetbagged a seat in NY, but HRC... Maybe there's a few fundies who have the warped thinking you're describing but I ain't one of them.
    Wait, you are going to say to me, in honesty, that most Christian preachers would advocate a woman leaves her husband instead of trying to work things out? Not even marriage counselors do that.

    Oh please. The second Bill was out of the Whitehouse, Hillary packed up and moved out. They do not live together even though they are both New Yorkers now. When was the last time they we're even seen together?
    Gee, now Hillary is out of the White House and successfully enshrined as a powerful Senator, making more news than her husband and capable of drawing her own big name backers, yet she is still married to him, and guess what, goes out her way in her book to say, "I love him." Why? She has nothing to gain by faking love for him now.

    Again, your arrogance and dismissing their relationship is astounding.

    Her political career would have suffered because again, Hillary _Rodham_ is a politcal nobody. So except for the fact that she a) doesn't live with him, b) never sees him and c) doesn't even mention his name, yeah I guess you're right. Bill and Hillary are veritable love birds. We all should be so lucky in our love lives.

    Talk about a bizarre response. So, in 1998, Hillary was a nobody? Despite having been First Lady for 6 years and one of the most controversial figures in American politics, she was a nobody? Too funny. You didn't answer what I posited at all! Why didn't she leave Bill in 1998? She had the name, she had the fame, and she would have garnered tremendous sympathy. Heck, if she really hated him, leaving him might just have turned the tide of his impeachment and brought him down. Yet she remained.

    Agreed. Scum sucking money grubbers the lot of them. There, I've treated her no different.
    Yet you still do by singling her out as some sort of demon. It's rather silly.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #47
      Originally posted by GP
      It's ok to tackle people if you're a successful Democrat. It's only worng if you're a Republican. Heck it's ok to kill your lover and dump her in Rock Creek Park.
      GP, have you ever been involved in a physical altercation with someone, Yes or No?

      If so, does that mean you are forever unworthy of anything for the rest of your life?

      Now, this presupposes the incident happened as the weasel Morris says, which is pretty unlikely. Truth is probably somewhere in betweem.

      Oh, and as for Condit:

      What evidence do you have he killed Chandra Levy? You are aware that the investigators have pretty much ruled him out as a suspect, yes?

      Condit was also roundly condemned by Democrats for his obfuscations with the police. Can I also mention he's a conservative?

      Thanks for playing.
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #48
        Originally posted by Boris Godunov
        I searched both NPR and the Washington Post, as well as google searched the web, and found not a sign of the Edwards thing
        Not that good at googling I see

        MSNBC breaking news and the latest news for today. Get daily news from local news reporters and world news updates with live audio & video from our team.

        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #49
          Originally posted by GP
          Doesn't it bother you if she lies? Or is lyingok when it's by your side? And helps them.
          Until Morris's claim is verified, a lie has yet to be proven. Let me tell you how much I trust Morris: 0.

          Now, if it turns out he's being 100% honest, it frankly doesn't bother me too much, because it's a pretty minor incident. So what if Hillary chose not to disclose the sordid details in her own book? It's not like she should feel any loyalty to the weasel Morris.

          Mountains out of molehills, that's all I can say.
          Tutto nel mondo è burla


          • #50
            Originally posted by rah

            Not that good at googling I see

            MSNBC breaking news and the latest news for today. Get daily news from local news reporters and world news updates with live audio & video from our team.


            Now, let's compare accounts:

            From Adam Smith:

            "A couple of months ago she was speaking in a senate debate. As her time expired, John Edward (D-NC, who I am no great fan of either) approached the rostrum to speak next. Senator Clinton, who was not quite finished yet, told him to "sit down, shut up, and look pretty." There is no need for such behavior by a public official."

            And msn:

            "Clinton asked Byrd to give her a chunk of his time. He happily agreed. When the hard-charging and Hollywood-handsome Sen. John Edwards rushed to the floor at the last minute and asked to speak, Democratic leaders had no time left to give him. Clinton couldn’t restrain a triumphant grin at the plight of a clear rival—in fact, one who is seeking the 2004 nomination. She spoke to him in a near shout—loud enough for the galleries to hear. “Just stand there and look pretty, John,” she said. He smiled wanly, and rushed from the chamber."

            So Edwards wanted to speak without any time left, but asked to do so anyway. So Clinton uses the opportunity for a snyde remark. OooooOOOOOooooh. What will the evil demon do next?
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #51
              Originally posted by Boris Godunov

              Gee, besides Bush Sr.'s thouroughly condenscending treatment of her--there was the rightist behavior that her candidacy was a joke.
              Wow, talk about a vague response. Got anything better than mere hand waving? No? Didn't think so.

              Wasn't helped by the supposedly-liberal media, which paid more attention to her diet plans and wardrobe than her positions as a candidate.
              Ya know I don't remember any of this at all. Diet plans? wtf? I remember some of the debates where Ms. Ferraro held her own against Bush Sr. I can't recall a single dismissive comment directed at her based on her sex. Yet you insist such comments exist.

              Wait, you are going to say to me, in honesty, that most Christian preachers would advocate a woman leaves her husband instead of trying to work things out? Not even marriage counselors do that.
              The Christian fundies are your strawman, Boris, not mine. I personally do not respect someone who sticks with a philandering husband so that she doesn't hurt her political career.

              She has nothing to gain by faking love for him now.
              Except for her re-election. Look, if she leaves him _now_, the right will scream "told-ya-so" and "what-a-hypocrite." Her credibility will be shot.

              Again, your arrogance and dismissing their relationship is astounding.
              Fine, prove me wrong. Show me something, anything, that shows that she really loves him. Again I will repeat: a) they maintain separate residences IN THE SAME STATE, b) they aren't typically seen together, c) they barely mention one another - except to boost book sales. They remind me of Charles and Diana, another loveless marriage held together for political purposes only.

              Talk about a bizarre response. So, in 1998, Hillary was a nobody? Despite having been First Lady for 6 years and one of the most controversial figures in American politics, she was a nobody? Too funny.
              Her health care agenda was completely defeated and she had to resign from all her official policy making positions in the Clinton administration. That's just about near to dead as you can get.

              You didn't answer what I posited at all! Why didn't she leave Bill in 1998?
              Um, yes, I did answer you. She stayed with him so as to not hurt political future. A very calculated move.

              She had the name, she had the fame, and she would have garnered tremendous sympathy.
              Sympathy at the cost of hurting Bill, the leader of Democratic party, and therefore the party itself. Not the best way to win friends amongst fellow Democrats. Really, now, this is pretty basic stuff here. Political marriages are as old as politics themselves. They are marriages of convenience.

              Yet you still do by singling her out as some sort of demon. It's rather silly.
              No, I lumped her in with the rest.


              • #52
                [QUOTE] Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                GP, have you ever been involved in a physical altercation with someone, Yes or No?


                If so, does that mean you are forever unworthy of anything for the rest of your life?
                No. My issue was only with the lie. It's not even relevant to me if the incident was "between" the two accounts. The thing that is relevant to me is that the Hilary account differs materially from the truth. IOW it is a lie. Whether Morris is lying is another issue.

                Oh, and as for Condit:

                What evidence do you have he killed Chandra Levy? You are aware that the investigators have pretty much ruled him out as a suspect, yes?

                Condit was also roundly condemned by Democrats for his obfuscations with the police. Can I also mention he's a conservative?

                Thanks for playing.
                It was just a random snipe about Condit. I don't think that the police ruled him out as a suspect. They just never pinned it on him. But they didn't find evidence of a definitive alibi or of someone else doing it (what was needed to exonerate him). Or did I miss something?

                Condit was not readily condemned by Democrats. They took a while to go after him. But they did eventually hang him out to dry. Yes, you can mention that he is a conservative. Unlike you, I find lying as an act to be wrong. Rather than just finding it wrong when done by the opposition. I actually think that ethics is more important than whether my side wins. No ****.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                  Until Morris's claim is verified, a lie has yet to be proven. Let me tell you how much I trust Morris: 0.

                  Now, if it turns out he's being 100% honest, it frankly doesn't bother me too much, because it's a pretty minor incident. So what if Hillary chose not to disclose the sordid details in her own book? It's not like she should feel any loyalty to the weasel Morris.

                  Mountains out of molehills, that's all I can say.
                  I like how you disagregated the issue into two parts. On the second part, I disagree with you. She has a habit of petty lies. That sort of thing creates ethical rot. I've seen it in people. That's not what I want in a leader.


                  • #54
                    A couple of months ago she was speaking in a senate debate. As her time expired, John Edward (D-NC, who I am no great fan of either) approached the rostrum to speak next. Senator Clinton, who was not quite finished yet, told him to "sit down, shut up, and look pretty."

                    Amerika needs Hillary!
                    justice is might


                    • #55
                      So Edwards wanted to speak without any time left, but asked to do so anyway. So Clinton uses the opportunity for a snyde remark. OooooOOOOOooooh. What will the evil demon do next?

                      As Adam Smith pointed out, that wasn't exactly a classy move by the Senator.
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • #56
                        It was a minor flaw. But it shows her imperious attitude. Like when she interuppted the invited speaker at her Wellesly graduation. Now...if anyone did that to her....


                        • #57
                          I'm not the biggest HRC fan on earth. I suspect she's a better lawyer than a politician.

                          But the degree of animosity towards her is amazing. It seems to me to be a case of making up one's mind first, then looking for excuses to buttress that opinion. The Edwards thing, for instance...seems pretty trivial to me, unless one is determined not to see it as trivial.

                          The weird thing is, she's never even been all that liberal.
                          "When all else fails, a pigheaded refusal to look facts in the face will see us through." -- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                            Look at those who hate her. Reactionary idiots who can't stand seeing a woman who isn't willing to take a back seat to her husband. Were she a man, I'd doubt she'd be subjected to such rancor.
                            Hilary hating is a phenomenon that has about 40% of the population in its grips, and your extremely narrow view of it doesn't even describe half of its adherents. There is a lot to hate there.

                            Firstly she is fundamentally dishonest, something that is not uncommon in politicians. Politicians are hated almost universally, along with lawyers (huge overlap there) and the press in the U.S. Hilary is not only a politician however, Hilary is a politician with no charisma, much like Richard Nixon. Unlike Richard Nixon however, we have yet to see any sort of genius (political, policy, speaking, debate) or remarkable discipline, or work ethic that made Nixon famous despite his unpopularity from the earliest part of his political career. She does have the same sort of persecution complex that Nixon did however, and seems to be at least as blind to her own faults as Nixon was. With a lot of luck she may rise to Nixon's level politically before her inevitible collapse.

                            Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                            Rednecks in the boonies may hate her, but even her Senate colleagues have expressed their respect for her in her job. She is intelligent, articulate, and compassionate, and she has represented the interests of her constituents quite ably, which is why New Yorkers are satisfied with her job performance.

                            There's nothing foolish about her. There is something foolish about people denegrating her out of their knee-jerk dislike for her politics.
                            My dislike for her politics is nothing compared to my dislike of her personality type, but even my dislike for her politics / erstwhile policies is very well-grounded. IMO NY lost probably the best Senator in the building when Pat Moynihan retired. Hilary Clinton is slight solace indeed.
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • #59
                              Well, somebody without charisma had New Yorkers lined up at midnight on a Sunday night to by her book. Somebody must like her.
                              "When all else fails, a pigheaded refusal to look facts in the face will see us through." -- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett


                              • #60
                                BTW, back on the original thread topic, Toesucker himself has given another version of this same incident that contradicts his National Review letter.

                                IIRC, in Behind the Oval Office, he says something about having had dental work that day and being on strong painkillers. He argued with Clinton, turned to leave, fell down, Clinton helped him up, they joked about it, end of story. Or something like that.

                                True? Who knows (or cares)? But it's not what he says in his open letter.
                                "When all else fails, a pigheaded refusal to look facts in the face will see us through." -- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett

