Originally posted by gunkulator
What on earth are you talking about? I can't remember even one negative peep from anyone about Ferraro. Gerry had some bad press from her husband's shady real estate dealings but that was about it.
What on earth are you talking about? I can't remember even one negative peep from anyone about Ferraro. Gerry had some bad press from her husband's shady real estate dealings but that was about it.
I call 'em as I see 'em. Imran is right. Hillary Rodham would never have carpetbagged a seat in NY, but HRC... Maybe there's a few fundies who have the warped thinking you're describing but I ain't one of them.

Oh please. The second Bill was out of the Whitehouse, Hillary packed up and moved out. They do not live together even though they are both New Yorkers now. When was the last time they we're even seen together?
Again, your arrogance and dismissing their relationship is astounding.
Her political career would have suffered because again, Hillary _Rodham_ is a politcal nobody. So except for the fact that she a) doesn't live with him, b) never sees him and c) doesn't even mention his name, yeah I guess you're right. Bill and Hillary are veritable love birds. We all should be so lucky in our love lives.

Talk about a bizarre response. So, in 1998, Hillary was a nobody? Despite having been First Lady for 6 years and one of the most controversial figures in American politics, she was a nobody?

Agreed. Scum sucking money grubbers the lot of them. There, I've treated her no different.