Originally posted by Oerdin
A culture which promotes the killing people based upon their religion or national origin is immoral. Stop trying to tie this basic trueism to religion because the Arab world's modern fasination with homicide-bombers, martyrs, and xenopobia are not truly inharent to Islam. Instead, like the Nazi's before them, a minority has altered the general culture and trained people to believing that abjectly immoral acts are A.O.K.. Like rooting out bigotry, segrogation, or other immoral cultural norms this norm must also be rooted out.
A culture which promotes the killing people based upon their religion or national origin is immoral. Stop trying to tie this basic trueism to religion because the Arab world's modern fasination with homicide-bombers, martyrs, and xenopobia are not truly inharent to Islam. Instead, like the Nazi's before them, a minority has altered the general culture and trained people to believing that abjectly immoral acts are A.O.K.. Like rooting out bigotry, segrogation, or other immoral cultural norms this norm must also be rooted out.