That's "nice or "mean", to those of you still in high school 
I'm sure this has been posted here in the past, but Lung just had a brainstorm, and it was typically brilliant
It has been said,that any visiting alien species would be more technologically advanced than us by virtue of the fact that they were able to get here from beyond our current means of space travel. From this it was deduced, quite logically, that they would therefore be less barbaric and be harmless to us. I thought that was a fair assumption, but that was before my brainstorm

I'm sure this has been posted here in the past, but Lung just had a brainstorm, and it was typically brilliant

It has been said,that any visiting alien species would be more technologically advanced than us by virtue of the fact that they were able to get here from beyond our current means of space travel. From this it was deduced, quite logically, that they would therefore be less barbaric and be harmless to us. I thought that was a fair assumption, but that was before my brainstorm