They are building a new WTC?!?!?
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Skyscrapers thread: why doesn't europe have many of those?
I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891
Skyscrapers are great. In America, there were people motivated to build and pay for the construction of these concrete giants. I question whether or not Europe is as motivated. Plus, during the time a lot of the first skyscrapers came up, Europe was recovering from a first war and ended up having a second. That might have something to do with it. Also, the threat of a third war with the Soviets might have played a role.To us, it is the BEAST.
Originally posted by DanS
In Antwerp we have Europe's first skyscraper, built in 1930-32 IIRC, the Boerentoren:
That's not a skyscraper. That's a high rise. THIS is a skyscraper built at the same time.DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.
In Madrid there are a few.. and new commerical complexes appearing outside of the city, but we are striving to maintain our old buildings throughout the city.
(KIO Tower)
(My favorite, the Europa Building)For there is [another] kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions -- indifference, inaction, and decay. This is the violence that afflicts the poor, that poisons relations between men because their skin has different colors. - Bobby Kennedy (Mindless Menance of Violence)
Originally posted by DanS
In Antwerp we have Europe's first skyscraper, built in 1930-32 IIRC, the Boerentoren:
That's not a skyscraper. That's a high rise. THIS is a skyscraper built at the same time.
It is a skyscraper, they just had to build a small one because "the view of the cathedral must not be obstructed"
Antwerp skyline:
Damn christiansIn een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt
Well, there might be a whole host of reasons: for example, in Vienna's inner district, by law nothing can be higher than the Tower of St. Stephens Cathedral. The Core of MOst European cities is already very dense, and I would guess they preffer to keep their historic buildings to making new one. In new cities, like those in the US and Canada, it is easy to do so. And in Asia, new regimes aren;t as squimish about getting rid of thew old and bringing in the new.
It might also be preferences. Fort example, while Mexico City is bigger than Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo has a skyline and Mexico City has few buildings over 30 stories. Even Panama city and it's cocaine towers have a better skyline than Mexico City.If you don't like reality, change it! me
"Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
"it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
"Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw
Here's Antwerp's skyline
DISCLAIMER: the author of the above written texts does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for any offence and insult; disrespect, arrogance and related forms of demeaning behaviour; discrimination based on race, gender, age, income class, body mass, living area, political voting-record, football fan-ship and musical preference; insensitivity towards material, emotional or spiritual distress; and attempted emotional or financial black-mailing, skirt-chasing or death-threats perceived by the reader of the said written texts.