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Femenists want to make masculinity a hate crime.

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  • It's ironic that people complain that the system is biased in favour of women when it comes to choosing who the kids get to live with after a split, given that the whole reason it's biased in favour of women is that they're seen as natural homemakers.
    Last edited by Gibsie; May 31, 2003, 11:30.


    • Originally posted by St Leo
      Elok, how do you know that that's not the way a girl would have wanted to play with a Barbie doll?

      A statistical sample of one has always been worthless.
      That wasn't a statistic, it was a funny story. If I wanted a statistic I would choose something even remotely verifiable. The story only illustrates what should be common knowledge.
      I "know," as much as I can, from my babysitting experience. Three girls, two boys. Even when they're playing army, the girls concentrate more on what kind of imaginary enemies they're fighting, whereas the boys try to think up imaginary weapons of handheld mass destruction. I.E., "this gun can kill seventeen thousand trolls with one shot." Charming game. I've never seen them play with barbie dolls so I don't know about that. Certainly the boys show much greater propensities for sadistic destructiveness. The younger one likes to see how many needles you can run through a living beetle before it gives up the ghost or falls apart. If you want to see how a gender acts, look at it in childhood at its least self-conscious.
      To put it another way, how many girl scouts set bugs on fire when they're off at camp? How many delinquent teenage girls ever even try tipping cows or smashing mailboxes?
      Or were you just joking?
      1011 1100
      Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


      • The system is not biased against men. The feminist movement has removed the bias there was agaisnt girs, but that bias was never really academic (at elast in primary and secondary education), but dealt more with non-academic activities. That men are floundering in schools now is more the result of men failing to meet the requirements of the system. You have fathers ignore the education of their boys, or care more about how their boy does in the athetics field than with his academic requirements. Girsl are expected to achieve academically, and they do. Boys are not expected to achieve academically, and they don;t. Wow, what a freaking surprise!
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • When did I do that?

          "Feminists hate men" argument. I think it's one of the first things you said.

          The "Glass Ceiling" as it is refered to is a myth started by, guess who?

          Fine, if it is a myth, then I'm sure you can point to a substantial minority of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies being women... oh wait... you CAN'T! And what about the anecdotal evidence of some people, such as Gibsie, who notices women can only go so high in the company but not higher.

          If there was actual equality of oppertunity between the genders, they'd be a Hell of lot more female CEOs in Fortune 500 companies. The fact that there isn't show me that we really don't have equality of oppertunity yet.

          The whole 'women do not want to be CEOs' argument is laughable. They are just as dedicated and strong as any man is, yet they don't want to be CEOs? Yeah, right .

          An analysis of census data and economic labor studies demonstrates that gaps do not reflect discrimination, but instead reflect different education fields and different career and family choices. When one compares women and men with the same level of education, field of education, and workforce experience, the gap virtually disappears.

          Again, then where are the female CEOs? There more than a few women in business schools. Also look at the lack of law firm partners being women even though women have been substantially represented in law schools over the past couple decades. It is no secret that a woman is told to act 'more like a man' in order to achieve success.

          so tell me who do you know that has a problem with a career oriented aggressive woman?

          Hmmm... the millions of males that call them *****es? Look at what happened with Hillary Clinton. That's a prime example.
          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • "Feminists hate men" argument.
            Sorry about that. When I said 'feminist' I was talking about the ones the thread was about, the ones who want to make masculinity a hate crime.

            BTW, have you noticed that it is seen as great for a woman to do things that only men used to do, such as playing in leagues for men, doing things that require a lot of athleticism and strength (not that this is bad). But when was the last time you saw a guy encouraged to do a 'girlie' thing? If he does, he is completely ridiculed and has an increased chance of being murdered by someone because they think he's gay.

            Where's MichaeltheGreat? If I actually beat him in that argument, then I'm going to party.
            "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


            • Sorry about that. When I said 'feminist' I was talking about the ones the thread was about, the ones who want to make masculinity a hate crime

              Ah ok... nevermind then. That peeved me, because I know a few feminists and they don't hate men (or they like sex ).

              BTW, have you noticed that it is seen as great for a woman to do things that only men used to do, such as playing in leagues for men, doing things that require a lot of athleticism and strength (not that this is bad). But when was the last time you saw a guy encouraged to do a 'girlie' thing? If he does, he is completely ridiculed and has an increased chance of being murdered by someone because they think he's gay.

              That's because women are encouraged to be men in order to get ahead.

              Btw, there are many men (especially higher up the corporate ladder) that get manicures .
              “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
              - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


              • women is that they're seen as natural homemakers.
                Nothing like keeping stereotyping alive just to gain an edge in a particular way. This too is the irony of the femenist movement. They hate stereotyping unless of course it serves a need. Now I see you are suggesting it is men that keep this myth in place? Or are you just blaming them for doing something and protesting something that is unconstitutional, bias, harmful to kids and hate based? There used to be another poster here that said it was "whining" Be kinda of cool to sit him down with the female judge I had. i am sure she would have tuned him in as she did the feds rep. Maybe he will show up again to promote his complete lack of knowledge and bias again?

                GePap love to see you prove that nonsense, every study out there says you are sleep walking, I may add from federal to independant.

                The fact that there isn't show me that we really don't have equality
                Pure nonsense, not many women choose that route for a career, most have started thier own business rather than work at your fortune 500. Stats show that to be true too. Last time I looked in the last 5 years or so women owned and started business accounts for 42 percent of all business start ups. A 118% percent increase, I guess you have your answer there, but I am sure you can show me true statistics of why in this age of competative business, why the heck would a man pick a less qualified man to do a job a more qualified woman could do better. I guess in his desire to promote bias he is willing to risk his career? i think your assumptions to be flawed, I think the stats prove your assumptions to be wrong.
                More non sense and myth. Woman do not want the CEO job at another firm or corporation. It is very clear they want thier own firm and or corporation. I will also add women starting business succeed close to 80% more often then men started business on the first go round, yup we are carbon copies, or clones which is it you believe again?

                It is no secret that a woman is told to act 'more like a man' in order to achieve success.
                You mean to say men say this without a lawsuit attached? heck if women in this all girls group get thier way that would be a hate crime...

                Give it a break, the realitty is woman's group have promoted this myth too. Show me the proof son, I am sure with a simple google search again we will find it is women's forums and websites reiterating this over and over again. Find me one male CEO that said this or a man is a better CEO.

                Women are incouraged to give up a lot that is true so are men CEO jobs do not come without cost to your personal life choices. Setting down and having kids in the fast paced ever changing, long hours, long days CEO jobs offer is not very compatable. Men have made that sacrifice from the onset because of long standing rolls.

                If this is what you mean what do you expect? A bread earner and career choice is just that. I know many men that do not know thier kids because of career choices. I know not as many women willing to give that up, but rest assured the one's I know that do, make more than me and are way higher up in the food chain than I care to be...Choice man it boils down to choices. That is statistically why more women have chosen the my business route, choices...

                the millions of males that call them *****es?
                Maybe, I know none here or otherwise, statistically I should have met one by now...Most men in senior postions I know biasly hire women in key positions, well simply because, sales for an example statistically women are better at it and produce more results. He is a question for you, it is no myth that many woman are office managers in businesses. Now women account for a huge percentage of new business start ups, owners as it be. Now or in the near future do you see these women hiring men as office managers? Stats aready indicate no not in our lifetime. Now is that because of bias, abilities, or choices in career?

                I doubt your millions and I doubt you could back it up. More myth... You can go on all night all month for that matter tossing myths around I implore you to provide at least some proof to anything you have said so far and or in the future. So bring on the feminist web pages and preachers, I'm ready you?
                “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                Or do we?


                • I better not post my views here, they will be deemed sexist.

                  Let's just say I'm old fashioned


                  • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui

                    I AM in touch with reality. You, OTOH, are not. How many feminists do you know? I know plenty, I dated one. They don't want to be better than men, they simply want more equal representation in Congress and in buisnesses. They think it is a shame that while 50% of the people are women, only 9 Senators are of that gender (~10% of that body). Instead of making generalizations about people you know nothing about, why don't you talk to a few feminists... and I don't mean NOW, I mean ordinary normal mainstream feminists.
                    And what percentage of the electorate do women comprise? More than 50% of electorate, and an even higher percentage of voters. Should we do away with democracy because people (including women) aren't making the politically correct decision? If they aren't going to vote for themselves why should I?

                    A lot of the problem in this thread lies in the definition of the word feminist. To some it means someone who supports equal rights for both genders. It used to mean this to most people, but it wasn't a particularly accurate term to say the least. Once a very firm majority of the population came around to this view (20 years ago) it became even more obsolete. Most people don't use that definition of the word anymore. To them feminists are exactly those annoying people you claim are unrepresentative. You are young and live in academia. Things will change for you when you step out of never never land and find out that not only are regular people fairly intelligent, but they tend to make a great deal more sense than many academics, as they cannot afford to be mere theoriticians.
                    He's got the Midas touch.
                    But he touched it too much!
                    Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                    • Originally posted by Tingkai

                      Oh, you misguided fool.

                      Women's groups are a great place to meet some incredible women who are straight or bi. They're intelligent, they're beautiful, they're great conversationalists, they're independent, They're amazing.

                      You don't know what you are missing.
                      Talk about misguided, you are like an Iraqi SCUD. I disagree completely, but that's cool. At least we aren't going to be getting in one another's way as we go about wooing women.
                      He's got the Midas touch.
                      But he touched it too much!
                      Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                      • Originally posted by DaShi
                        We prefer to be called myn, not men.
                        Gender Judo, I love it! All your monikers are belong to us!
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui

                          Women are in a rough situation and have not achieved equality with men. When female CEOs in the Fortune 500 and represenatation in Congress is about 30%, then maybe I'll say they have achieved somewhat of equality (though not full). Now? Yeah, right.
                          So you are saying that you would rather earn the money than spend it? Because whatever the percentage of money women make, they spend something like 65% of all the money spent. Our society spends 2 dollars on women for every 1 dollar spent on men in health care. But since these mens groups are a canard no one ever seems to hear about things like that.
                          He's got the Midas touch.
                          But he touched it too much!
                          Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                          • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui

                            But the stunning disparity in result seems to indicate a lack of the equality of oppertunity, wouldn't you say? Showing that perhaps there IS a glass ceiling in most businesses and that a lot of voters may not vote for a woman simply because she is one (at the subconscious level). This is the same reason that aggressive men are lauded, but aggressive women are called *****. It's all about a double standard that needs to be changed, and is being changed slowly... but feminism is needed to change it all the way.
                            Yea, cause lord knows that women are exactly like men, and will strive for exactly the same goals. Wherever there is a difference between people, there must be discrimination.
                            He's got the Midas touch.
                            But he touched it too much!
                            Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                            • Originally posted by Elok
                              A couple of random thoughts:
                              A. Why do men want to have sex with twins anyway? Maybe other guys are different, but I only have one organ, and having to satisfy two women for no personal gain sounds like hell to me. With one woman and two men it might actually make sense, provided they were into weird orifices.
                              I think you are supposed to watch them have sex with each other and masturbate. At least that's what seems to be implied in porn. I don't get it either.
                              He's got the Midas touch.
                              But he touched it too much!
                              Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                              • Originally posted by Tingkai

                                Wrong because you're making massive generalisation. The women who expect men to open the door or give up their seats do not understand the concept of equality.
                                Oh they understand it, they just reject it.

                                Originally posted by Tingkai

                                The idea that men take care of physical labour for females is absolutely ****ing hilarious. Do you really believe that women do no physical labour. Do you believe that women never clean the house, cook meals, etc.

                                Come on, that's just ridiculous.
                                No, we're talking about the fact that 97% of people killed in workplace accidents are men. This is one of the reasons that men make more money then women as a group. They do the vast majority of the most dangerous work.
                                He's got the Midas touch.
                                But he touched it too much!
                                Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!

