This is generally based on todays 60minutes, but given the general sex ration of this board, it will do nicely.
Currently in the US, womne outpreform men academically at all levesl, from Kindergarden to Graduate school. Many top universities have a 40-60 male-female ratio. Soon, law schools and medical schools will be predominatly female, leaving men only the tecnical fields, but perhaps not for long even then.
This leads to several questions: Should universiites allow in less qualified men over womne to insure that they do not have rations akin to 70-30 female male, or they should simply say: best person gets in, period?
Second: is the fault of this difference Feminisim, as many conservatives say, or is it that male academic achievement is seen as inferior to male atheltic achievement in schools, and thus if your boy is a C student, well good, as long as he lays good football?
or perhaps is it that , even while females are outperforming men academically at all levels, they will still get paid less than men when they join the workforce, so who cares, cause even if you can compete with the women academically, as a man you will get more money? And so who cares?
Currently in the US, womne outpreform men academically at all levesl, from Kindergarden to Graduate school. Many top universities have a 40-60 male-female ratio. Soon, law schools and medical schools will be predominatly female, leaving men only the tecnical fields, but perhaps not for long even then.
This leads to several questions: Should universiites allow in less qualified men over womne to insure that they do not have rations akin to 70-30 female male, or they should simply say: best person gets in, period?
Second: is the fault of this difference Feminisim, as many conservatives say, or is it that male academic achievement is seen as inferior to male atheltic achievement in schools, and thus if your boy is a C student, well good, as long as he lays good football?
or perhaps is it that , even while females are outperforming men academically at all levels, they will still get paid less than men when they join the workforce, so who cares, cause even if you can compete with the women academically, as a man you will get more money? And so who cares?