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Do any of the religious types around here have and explanation for this?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jack the Bodiless
    Well, these claims that kids might be learning about the "real occult" have been scientifically tested...

    Spellcasting 101: Don't Try This At Home

    That's hysterical.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #32
      Story of Sodom. Delivers a compassionate plea to repent of homosexuality.

      Here is an interesting one on homosexuals, apparently all gays are terrorists who want to infect the world's blood supply with AIDs infected blood.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kropotkin
        There was a quite bizarre murder in Sweden a year ago or so linked to roleplaying. I'm not sure if they ever found a real, solid connection between the two things. Besides that both the killer and the victim played the game. It was some kind of live vampire roleplay, not the good old game with a couple of dices. It's was both amusing and at the same time somewhat distrubing to read what journalists that didn't have a clue about it wrote about it, both in the tabloids and more 'serious' papers.
        The thing is, the guy who committed the murder was high on drugs (well, Rohypnol) at the time (I just read in Aftonbladet).
        Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
        Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


        • #34
          I am definitely a "religious type" and I enjoy playing D&D, reading Harry Potter books, etc. They are harmless fun, unless you are already disturbed by something else.

          But one of my friends I played D&D with, who is utterly dismissive of any type of religion, would tell horror stories about live-action role-playing. Bad things happened to one of his friends, enough to make him scared of the whole concept. So there is some real danger there, and it is not invented by Jack Chick.

          Like any other entertainment genre, some RPG´s are loaded with gratuitous sex and violence. It is generally not a good thing to expose kids to that. It would help everyone if games had ratings like movies. That way the mostly harmless PG ones wouldn´t be confused with the R and X trash.

          On a side note, I would estimate that the number of religious nuts who think D&D is evil is smaller than the number of non-religious nuts who think they have been taken off by aliens. Some people are just loons.


          • #35
            The thing about RPGs is the DM and players are 100% in charge of the situation it's not like a video game where you have to follow what somebody else programed. If the DM and player's don't want there to be sex and excess violence well they design the town, they design the plot, they design their characters, and it is up to them to role play them as they wish.

            No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
            Try for discussion and debate.

