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What are you building in life?

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  • #31
    Retire into the Corona commercial by age 50. So far, so good.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time


    • #32
      Good to hear everyone's replies!

      Originally posted by Lord Merciless
      Actually, I believe the most desirable goal in my life is good health until the very end.

      Money, family, career, all seem hollow if one has to live in pain.
      Very true. My health is quite poor at the moment. I have a intestinal infection (candida) and a lot of stress so one of my main goals is to take care of myself better (diet, excersize, etc.) and feel much better by the end of the summer. Gaining 20-30 pounds couldn't hurt either.

      This summer I'm attending a workshop in Massachusetts to look at my life & decide what I want to do with it, as I said, I've been aimless for some time now. I plan to get the maximum out of this exerience and hopefully meet some cool people as well.

      Another goal I have is to finish my incomplete online game : NarzWarz (see sig). However, my coding skills at present are far from adaquete so I am now working with a partner on it, hopefully he will be as motavated (or more so ) as me.

      - Narz
      Shop Amazon thru my Searchbox, thanks! Narz's Chess Page


      • #33
        What are my goals?

        1) By the end of this year I want to buy my own house.

        2) At some time I'd like to meet that special someone instead of just jumping from one dead end relationship to the next.

        3) In the next two years I'd like to enroll in grad school.

        4) I'd like to finally max out my yearly IRA and 401K contributions.

        5) Longer term I'd like to start a family and run for political office or maybe start my own company.

        P.S. I almost forgot; I want to write a book.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #34
          P.S. I almost forgot; I want to write a book.
          What topic?
          Shop Amazon thru my Searchbox, thanks! Narz's Chess Page


          • #35
            The history of propaganda. The subject has always intrigued me and with PsyOps being such a visible part of modern warfare I’m hoping my mom won’t be the only one to buy my book.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • #36
              "For I have known them all already, known them all:—
              Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
              I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
              I know the voices dying with a dying fall
              Beneath the music from a farther room.
              So how should I presume? "

              Me? I want contentment. I want to do whatever I want, I don't mean immediatly, but without deterent.

              I want to write a novel - I can.

              I want to direct a movie - I can.

              I want to design and build a state of the are biopharmaceutical facility to produce pharmaceutical that can save many people who would die otherwise - I can

              I want to drink beer every night - I can

              I want to eat foods high in trans-fat - I can

              I want to say whatever I want whenever I want - I can

              That is contentment. What am I working towards? Only the end, and the assurance, that when it comes I will be, then, as content as I am now...

              I want to measure my life out with soup laddles!



              • #37
                I used to be a pair of ragged claws.....

                I want to acquire an even bigger record collection (even though I think I hold the Apolyton record at last count) and listen to all those pieces I haven't had time for yet.

                And I want to write a novella. I had a good idea that mixes gutter Freudian dream theory with alternate realities (yes it is supposed to be funny).
                Only feebs vote.


                • #38
                  . I had a good idea that mixes gutter Freudian dream theory with alternate realities
                  That might make a good play

                  or a really bad porno


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Japher

                    That might make a good play

                    or a really bad porno
                    It starts out as a satire on those quizzes and amateur psychobabble that you find in women's magazines. This guy is so bored that he takes Freud's dream theory seriously as a means of satisfying his deepest desires. Then it gets weird - and then it ends up with him as a bum on a park bench offering sweets to a little girl.

                    I suppose it would make a good porn "script".
                    Only feebs vote.

