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What are you planning to do this summer?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by VetLegion
    There you go

    I never called you a racist or anything. You did mention race and that is what I have stated.
    In my first post, who did I insult? Where did I mention race? I'll post it for you again, since you seem to having trouble here:

    Going to London May 28- June 4

    Going to my 5 year college reunion June 14 (oh dear lord). Attending a high school friend's law school graduation party the same weekend.

    Ummmm... No specific plans after that. Will likely do something for my birthday in July that might entail a trip somewhere.

    Oh, and I'm hoping to do a Shakespeare production with a director I know, as she often stages summer plays in Central Park (though it wouldn't be one of the "Shakespeare in the Park" productions, no).
    In fact, what mention have I made of race in any post in this thread, other than asking you explain your implication that I'm racist?

    You have insulted me on the other hand, unprovoked.
    No, you definitely provoked it, as you made asinine generalizations about Americans being stupid, ignorant and racist. Being an American, that means you insulted me first, bucko.

    And in the context of minorities, I asked you do you sympatise with Macedonian people who are as we speak suffering from policies of Imperialists. You didn't reply to that.
    Who says I don't sympathize? What does this have to do with your making stupid remarks? Should I ignore your stupid remarks because Macedonians have to suffer under "Imperialist" policies? I don't think so. You don't get a free pass on being ignorant due to your ethnic background...that would be racist, after all.
    Last edited by Boris Godunov; May 15, 2003, 20:36.
    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #92
      You have mentioned race in "stupidity transcends race". I stated the obvious. The rest is product of your imagination

      Who says I don't sympathize? .... Should I ignore your stupid remarks because Macedonians have to suffer under "Imperialist" policies?

      No. I am glad we are in agreement though


      • #93
        Originally posted by VetLegion
        You have mentioned race in "stupidity transcends race". I stated the obvious. The rest is product of your imagination
        You stated what that was obvious? Obviously it isn't obvious, since you're the only one who seems to have a clue as to what you're babbling about. The "minority group" comment makes it pretty clear where you were coming from, and it's really sad to see your attempts at backpedaling. Paitkis would have done much better, tsk.

        Who says I don't sympathize? .... Should I ignore your stupid remarks because Macedonians have to suffer under "Imperialist" policies?

        No. I am glad we are in agreement though
        Yes, we agree your remarks were stupid, excellent.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #94
          Boris, Boris

          I never backpedal. I stand behind what I write, always.

          But I haven't called you a racist, and you know it.


          Paiki is also a balkanite like yourself so I'm sure he will work himself into a lather.

          I was refering to this. It is racist because you say here balkanites (racist term) work themselves into a lather (insult). It is what you said.

          But it does not matter really. I have been insulted in this thread many times but still I do not hold a grudge against any of you

          Because I know that in the end, when we leave petty bickering aside, we can all stand up together and have minute of silence for brave Freedom Fighters of Macedonia.

          And that is all that really matters


          • #95
            And ofcourse my ethnicity does not entitle me to anything. I never claimed it did. All people are brothers and all people should be free.

            Will be free.

            Anyway, good night gentlemen, it has been a pleasure


            • #96
              "What a grave error!"

              It was former Serbian land, as indicated by that map. In any case, I knew where it was. But at least unlike you I knew the simple the fact that Macedonia, or FYROM by it's real name, does not have a coastline.
              "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

              "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


              • #97
                FYRoM does not have a coastline. Macedonia the country (which is the same thing) does not have a coastline.

                Macedonia the area of the nation of Greece DOES have a coastline.

                It is not racist to say that stupidity transcends race. In fact, it is just the opposite.
                "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
                You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

                "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

