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  • #31
    Solun is Macedonian largest city on the coast (there are others)

    You sure you haven't heard of it!?!?!

    American ignoramuses


    • #32
      FYROM is a land locked country with no sea coast so how the hell can you have a "sea side" house? The country is bordered by Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania.

      And watch who you're calling an ignoramuse; especially when you are so clearly in the wrong.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #33
        FYROM does not exist americanino

        Even your own country accepts her as Macedonia

        Get in touch with your representative and ask if you dont trust me


        • #34
          And I have a seaside house allright, and there is no Greek flag for hundreds of kilometers around


          • #35
            Solun... It wouldn't happen to be the same as Thessaloniki?


            • #36
              Here it is for you black on white:

              QUESTION: Will Macedonia lose the American support for membership in
              MR. REEKER: No, you haven't. We just signed, as you will recall, just
              a little over a week ago, in Tirana an important charter that included
              Macedonia, Albania and Croatia, the Adriatic Charter, where we pledged
              to work together with Macedonia and the other two countries and were
              quite supportive of Macedonia's aspirations toward NATO membership.
              The efforts Macedonia has taken have been very positive, and as the
              Secretary said in signing that agreement, we encourage all those
              countries to continue working together and working with us and working
              through NATO structures because we think that leads to a lot of
              progress in many areas and stability for Macedonia and for the region.
              The Article 98 agreement is an important thing in our bilateral
              relationship with Macedonia, and that is why, as we have with
              Macedonia, and that is why, as we have with many other countries, we
              have sent a team there to work on this subject with the Government of

              How many times did he say Macedonia? High ranking official.

              Evidence enough?


              • #37
                Thessaloniki is a name Greeks invented after wwII. They also have their own name for Istanbul and other cities. It doesn't have any meaning whatsoever (except to them).


                • #38
                  Oerdin I quoted you official state department document.

                  Did I shatter some illusions?


                  • #39
                    It's also called Salonica. Is that the Latin name then?
                    Anyway, isn't the city overwhelmingly Greek nowadays?


                    • #40
                      Real name is Solun. Salonica is latin I think, yes. Greek overwhelmingness is relative my friend. Their officiall censuses do not allow other nationalities. Really. It is funny as hell


                      • #41
                        In the balkans everyone is busy trying to rename cities and each ethnic group has a seporate name. It's really funny to watch them get their dander up when you speak to someone from ethnic group A and intentionally call a city by ethnic group B's name.

                        VetLegion: Sorry buddy but you're off on your own little fantasy trip. FYROM was very real when I was there two years ago and it most certainly was landlocked so there are no seaside villas.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #42
                          Oerdin, can you read!?

                          I mean you should be able if you can type

                          Go to the official page of the US State Department and read with your own eyes.

                          So much about the name.

                          You must be some American Greek raised on propaganda


                          • #43
                            Oh and tell me about reality?

                            You need a reality check yourself.

                            See Greek census, 98% Greek.

                            Now meet reality, streets full of Macedonians and Albanians (more by the day).

                            I blame US school system, not you though.

                            If you didn't see it on live TV it didn't happen


                            • #44
                              Read your link? So what? People call it Macedonia for short but the CIA World Factbook continues to list the official name as Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; either way no matter what you call it your country is still landlocked and there is no sea side.

                              Play all the little word games you want but that fact will not change.
                              Try for discussion and debate.


                              • #45
                                Oh and when paiktis logs in he can confirm you what I am saying. He will probably go into his crazy nationalistic mode but don't pay attention, he is sympathetic with the Macedonian cause He just has to keep his cover because he works for a Greek company, that's all.


