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Gonna kill kill kill kill Kill the poor tonight

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  • #16
    And it's based upon logic and common sense. If people are unaware of crime, where's the incentive to stop it or take steps to stop it? And vice versa, if people are aware of a crime that sparks outrage, it motivates people to take steps to stop it.

    But please, I'd like to hear how ignorance stops crime. Educate me.
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #17
      Just because it is legal does not mean it is not disturbing.
      You can be disturbed as much as you want, I don't care, I will pay hobos to eat donkey**** as much as I want to, you hear me, commie?


      • #18
        But please, I'd like to hear how ignorance stops crime. Educate me.
        Not ignorance, just not blowing everything out of proportion and dramatizing it would stop crime... Many psychos out there love the attention they and their victums receive... Also, many other psychos out there are just waiting for a crime to perform that they think they can get away with... so lets not give them the idea.

        When I was in high school I don't remember any shootings that happened at other school campus'... The Columbine occured, and now it seems to be an everyday occurance.

        Violent crimes and criminals should not be hyped up, and that is what happens when the media "informs" the public of these occurances.


        • #19
          so lets not give them the idea.
          trust me... evil people will do evil things regardless.

          but I do agree that the American media causes more harm than good...
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Azazel
            Just because it is legal does not mean it is not disturbing.
            You can be disturbed as much as you want, I don't care, I will pay hobos to eat donkey**** as much as I want to, you hear me, commie?
            That says a lot about your moral principles, or should I say lack thereof. With an attitude like that, it's no wonder why so many people lack sympathy for Israel. If your fellow countrymen are anything like you, then you deserve all the suicide bombers that the Palestinians send your way. Start showing a little compassion and maybe the rest of us will start caring as well.


            • #21


              • #22
                Originally posted by Willem

                Just because it is legal does not mean it is not disturbing.
                You can be disturbed as much as you want, I don't care, I will pay hobos to eat donkey**** as much as I want to, you hear me, commie?
                That says a lot about your moral principles, or should I say lack thereof. With an attitude like that, it's no wonder why so many people lack sympathy for Israel. If your fellow countrymen are anything like you, then you deserve all the suicide bombers that the Palestinians send your way. Start showing a little compassion and maybe the rest of us will start caring as well.
                To Azazel:
                I love it!

                To Willem:
                What's the difference between Bumfights and Boxing or any other professional sport? What's the difference between our Israeli friend paying hobos to eat donkey**** and Reality TV shows like Survivor and Fear Factor where people eat bugs and go swimming in a tank full of dead mice?

                If his comments are gonna make you loose respect for Israel, then its making me gain respect.
                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                • #23

                  I was joking, you know. I am too good at this.

                  *runs away, screaming, tearing hair from head*


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by OzzyKP

                    To Willem:
                    What's the difference between Bumfights and Boxing or any other professional sport? What's the difference between our Israeli friend paying hobos to eat donkey**** and Reality TV shows like Survivor and Fear Factor where people eat bugs and go swimming in a tank full of dead mice?

                    If his comments are gonna make you loose respect for Israel, then its making me gain respect.
                    Because it's taking advantage of someone who's down and out. They should be helped, not humiliated. Or do you think this guy was paying them a million dollars for every degrading act they performed? He was just exploiting their misfortune, nothing more.

                    In my books, you don't kick a person when they're already down, and any person who thinks that's OK is morally depraved IMO.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Willem
                      my books, you don't kick a person when they're already down, and any person who thinks that's OK is morally depraved IMO.
                      That's right he's depraved! Burn him! Burn him!... Opps, that's not really appropriate given the first post in this thread.

                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • #26
                        the homeless person thinks its humiliating he should tell the guy to go to hell.

                        It isn't taking advantage of someone anymore than a circus taking out a classified ad looking for employees to shovel elephant dung. Not a job I would want to do, but why criticize those who want to do it?
                        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Azazel

                          I was joking, you know. I am too good at this.

                          *runs away, screaming, tearing hair from head*
                          Well I certainly hope so, and if you were I apologize. The comment you made struck me as so heartless and callous I decided to strike back in any way I could.


                          • #28
                            Yo, Willem, look at my location line. It says I am a fricking commie. Do you think that I would call someone else a commie if I wanted to insult him?

                            Ozzy: you're a libertarian, and as you noticed, I fully realize the libertarian pov on the issue. ( Though I was more of a libertarian *******, not just a libertarian. ). I am a utilitarian. I think these two are about as opposed as any two ethical theories can be.

                            So, I fully understand where are you coming from, but I cannot stand that place.

                            Peace to all of you, and good night.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by OzzyKP
                              the homeless person thinks its humiliating he should tell the guy to go to hell.

                              It isn't taking advantage of someone anymore than a circus taking out a classified ad looking for employees to shovel elephant dung. Not a job I would want to do, but why criticize those who want to do it?
                              The intent of those videos wasn't to glorify some sport or provide some harmless entertainment, but to humiliate the participants. The purpose was to get a laugh out of someone else's misfortune, something I find despicable. People who can engage in that kind of baiting are scum of the earth IMO, especially when they're trying to profit by it.


                              • #30
                                Willem, I think Ozzy has a point, since noone forced the homeless person to do this. OTOH, the situations are different, since these people are indeed in dire straits.

