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US Lineup In Iraqi Administration... Out with the old, in with the new

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  • #31
    you knew the top tier wasn't producing--they did not appear to be effective managers. And when you don't produce, in America you (should) get the axe
    oh please dan, be honest... in America, if you're at the top and aren't producing, you get a big fat severance worth millions
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #32
      Spiffor and Gepap, thanks for your efforts in explaining the differences. In the end, I see only word differences between socialism and communism. Both view the world in terms of class warfare. Both want to control the means of production because they want to take the wealth away from the rich. Both want a social safety net. The socialist claims that communism is totalitarian, implying that socialism is not. However, there are communists who also claim to be democrats, who can live in a multi-party state (even though there are no prior examples of this).

      We all seem to agree that Ortega was a socialist. Whether he was a communist depends upon, then, whether he would tolerate democracy and elections. The record shows that he did not, causing a revolt, which eventually forced elections which the Sandanista's lost.

      If he were not a communist, he sure seemed like one. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


      • #33
        I'm colourblind, but I'm not saying that there's no colours though.

