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If no WMD found; will Bush be made out to be a liar?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Darius871

    I know, I was being sarcastic. I wish government could be like that, but only in our dreams. There's no way in hell we'll actually have honest politicians (any that sound honest are just exceptionally good liars), so the only thing we can do is limit the power of the government so that the liars don't do too much damage. Hence, conservatism.
    Ahh, that's where the Neo-Con's come in. Bush and co. have expanded the power of government and abused it much more than the so-called "big government" Democrats. Bush has done to conservatism what Osama bin Laden has done to Islam, in a sense... hijacked it and convinced the majority of its decent, hard-working, moral people to believe in his cause.
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #77
      Iraq is about the size of California, so give the allies a little more time to comb the country. After all, they haven't been able to snag any of the major players either, have they? OTOH I really doubt that the Iraqis had the capability of destroying significant quantities of NBC weapons and eradicating every trace within a matter of the short duration of the war.
      "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


      • #78
        So you are saying we should wait and find out the truth before we take any action? that sounds familiar
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Sava
          So you are saying we should wait and find out the truth before we take any action? that sounds familiar

          Yeah, if such a method didn't apply to Bush & Co., well...what's good for the goose, etc.!
          Tutto nel mondo è burla


          • #80
            Originally posted by Sava
            So you are saying we should wait and find out the truth before we take any action? that sounds familiar
            Yes, shockingly, even though my ancestors were instrumental in the invention of "lynching", I say give'em a fair trial before you hang'em.
            "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


            • #81
              Doc, I love you. You are the perfect example of a good, intelligent conservative who listens to reason.
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Sava
                Doc, I love you. You are the perfect example of a good, intelligent conservative who listens to reason.
                Are you sure that I'm a conservative? Maybe I'm just covering up. The local police here make no effort to conceal their surveillance of the internet. Their cover is that they're on the look out for child molestors, but really they're making sure that central Virginia is safe for democracy..... a democracy peopled by fundamentalist republicans, that is.
                "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Dr Strangelove

                  Are you sure that I'm a conservative? Maybe I'm just covering up. The local police here make no effort to conceal their surveillance of the internet. Their cover is that they're on the look out for child molestors, but really they're making sure that central Virginia is safe for democracy..... a democracy peopled by fundamentalist republicans, that is.
                  heh, my apologies, I often chastise others for labeling... what I meant was, your views appear to be more conservative than my own nevertheless, you are an intelligent person whose opinions I respect
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #84
                    Heil Bush!!! Heil Bush!!
                    The world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do."


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Sava
                      heh, my apologies, I often chastise others for labeling... what I meant was, your views appear to be more conservative than my own nevertheless, you are an intelligent person whose opinions I respect
                      Meaning, naturally, he is someone who agrees with you on most points.

                      Oh yeah, he's real "conservative".
                      I'd rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me.--Patton


                      • #86
                        There are no WoMDs - if he had any the capitals of the coalition of the "willing" would have been attacked with them.
                        Unfairly Banned at Civfanatics twice...
                        To protest the war I am using the UN Flag - Howard has said most Australians are for the war so clearly I am not an Aussie.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Elden
                          There are no WoMDs - if he had any the capitals of the coalition of the "willing" would have been attacked with them.

                          Errrr......Have you not noticed the unique competence of the Iraqi military under Saddam Hussein? They would have more likely hit Baghdad or Damascus than any enemy capital city.
                          "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                          • #88
                            I think he meant the troops.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
                              Errrr......Have you not noticed the unique competence of the Iraqi military under Saddam Hussein? They would have more likely hit Baghdad or Damascus than any enemy capital city.
                              The point is they would TRY to use them against the coalition - whatever did get damaged is another matter.

                              The fact that they didn't use any shows they don't have any.
                              Unfairly Banned at Civfanatics twice...
                              To protest the war I am using the UN Flag - Howard has said most Australians are for the war so clearly I am not an Aussie.


                              • #90
                                Yeah they did nt have any atom bombs ,delivery systems i.e.guidance or launch facilities.Just judging by the size of a missle I find it hard to believe that such a thing could be concealed even in a place the size of California.The infastructure involved in a missle program is expensive,massive in size,and involves a large parts inventory(there would be records of machine parts purchased in bills of lading from some exporter)The more I think about it the more blatant the falsehood becomes.The Iraqis had WOMD if and only if they perpetrated the largest and most meticulouse cover -up in the history of man.The fact that the White House is not yet being investigated is testimony to the power of blind patriotsm,people see what they want to see,it's called denial.
                                The world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do."

