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  • We don't have the players for an expansive attacking game when playing against The All Blacks and Australia, they are too good. We can't take too many risks because we know they'll punish us
    We are more than good enough to play that type of game against both of them. That doesn’t mean we have to. Great teams play to their strengths. England’s forwards are their strength.

    I suggest like me you don’t worry too much what SH fans say about it. With the exception of the knowledgable gentlemen who post on these threads most SH fans will never give England an inch however well they perform. Who cares, that is very much their problem.

    I understand that England God would strike down whomever threw it wide at the first opportunity.
    Now then Finbar don’t go conforming to the stereotype I just excluded you from.

    I cite Queenslanders as perfect examples and they're not even on the equator which speaks volumes for them.

    Another Finbar classic.

    It's odd how the international administrators of the two most interesting games - rugby and cricket - are utterly incompetent.
    You know my viewpoint – here at least these sports have a history of social elitism and being run by the ‘old boys network’. It makes incompetence fairly inevitable.

    Then he doesn't belong reffing.
    He does very little now. Young family. Yes, doubly a Dill.

    Fear not, Clive Woodward is rapidly being recognised down here as a goose. See below.
    I’m at my best when not being subtle I think.

    I’ll not launch a vigorous defence of Woodward. I recognise what he has done for England, particularly in the back room but I’m not blind to the fact he can be a twerp.

    He is guilty of exactly what you accuse him of. That press conference, though I defended it at the time from sheer bloody awkwardness was a bit daft. England of course now try to use dummy runners. They are nowhere near as good as the tri nations yet but it will come. In addition Clive is a very emotional character and he has made some real ill advised quotes – there was one after a game about tossing hand grenades and of course the classic 97-99 “I’ve always said judge me on the world cup”. Good job for Clive that the RFU didn’t then?

    None of this of course alters the fact he was right about Eddie. I often wish Eddie would restrict himself to the usual banal niceties before games instead of the silly mind games with opposing coaches and the officials.

    Well, I will. Woodward always gives me the impression that he constantly lives in fear of losing his job. I think I've mentioned it before. His body language screams it.
    And you are right. He is an England coach, therefore he is always in danger of this. Seven months at the top of the rankings and a historic win over the Kiwis will count for nothing if he loses to you. Quick to praise, lightning fast to criticise (and scapegoat) remember?

    not enough, particularly when the senior ones consistently show themselves to be incompetent.
    But it’s a problem as most younger men want to play the game. Walsh took up reffing because of a serious leg injury IIRC.

    Fair enough, I ... miss ... some of your more astute observations, too.
    No I genuinely missed it. It’s partly the way I take part here – dropping in irregularly. I do miss large chunks of posts this way – even skimming back. So when you don’t get a response from me to a specific point it’s not ignorance I can assure you. Just say “oi – look back at THIS”.

    As if I would be rude to you.

    You're happy to indulge in it but reserve the right to complain when you think others do it. Goodoh.
    Am I a hypocrite. Yup.

    The thing is I seem to have admitted England pushed the envelope Saturday. When I complain about other sides its mainly because they and their fans go into denial. Just look at Caligastia. Howlett was blatantly well offside – only a blind man couldn’t see that. And then there’s the Kiwis polluting the BBC website with ‘England had hands in the ruck, didn’t roll away, laid on the ball’ etc. But strangely they missed their own side doing the exact same thing?

    So on balance I’d rather be a hypocrite than blinkered.

    You, of course, have daylight savings at the moment.
    Whilst your charge of professional time wasting was accurate I felt your exageration of the time involved a little unfair.

    I’ll be all over it like a rash when we get the traditional Wallaby falling over on Saturday by the way.

    Particularly not if Wilkinson had had a hand broken when he was blatantly wrapping his hands around the ball in a ruck.
    Naughty boy Johnny. Of course no SH fly half would dream of so doing.

    Of course the serious side is that if they had deliberately broken his hand they should have been banned for life and I hope our boys would have cleaned the offending players clock for him. Accidental is one thing. Ali Williams accidental is quite another.

    And talking of assault what exactly has Smithy been up to then?

    Sorry, we prefer to avoid ugly reality in our thread titles.
    Which is why I presented an ironic option of course.

    It's just England's national lack of self esteem manifesting itself. Havak understands this and is seeking treatment at his local.
    Seasoned campaigner that I am I still rise to the bait now and then.

    Talking of bait – why does our media keep
    giving this Dill a platform?
    It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


    • Originally posted by Havak

      We are more than good enough to play that type of game against both of them. That doesn’t mean we have to. Great teams play to their strengths. England’s forwards are their strength.
      Now we've got them boosting each other's morale.

      Now then Finbar don’t go conforming to the stereotype I just excluded you from.
      I'm sure, one day many eons from now, when they're still trying to piece together the chain of evolution, there will be a little dotted line leading off at a tangent. The little dotted line will suddenly stop and there will be an indication that the line is extinct. Beside the little dotted line will be written "England rugby player who thought the difference between rugby and soccer was that, in rugby, you picked up the ball and ran with it".

      He does very little now. Young family. Yes, doubly a Dill.
      Temporary insanity, presumably.

      No I genuinely missed it.
      Oh! That's better then. Bearing in mind that I don't genuinely miss yours.

      As if I would be rude to you.
      Pourquoi pas?

      The thing is I seem to have admitted England pushed the envelope Saturday. When I complain about other sides its mainly because they and their fans go into denial. Just look at Caligastia. Howlett was blatantly well offside – only a blind man couldn’t see that. And then there’s the Kiwis polluting the BBC website with ‘England had hands in the ruck, didn’t roll away, laid on the ball’ etc. But strangely they missed their own side doing the exact same thing?
      I have to tell you, England far outstripped the ABs in that department.

      So on balance I’d rather be a hypocrite than blinkered.
      Or, in this case, deluded.

      Naughty boy Johnny. Of course no SH fly half would dream of so doing.
      They certainly wouldn't expose themselves to the possibility of broken hands.

      Of course the serious side is that if they had deliberately broken his hand they should have been banned for life and I hope our boys would have cleaned the offending players clock for him.
      It wouldn't've had to be deliberate. The ball was there, he had his hands where they shouldn't have been, the ABs were entitled to ruck for it. He was very, very silly. And very lucky they were kind to him.

      And talking of assault what exactly has Smithy been up to then?
      It hasn't all been made public yet, but he got into a skirmish outside a nightclub. Don't know whether he was p*ssed or not. Out of character for him, I have to say.

      Talking of bait – why does our media keep
      giving this Dill a platform?
      He was saying pretty much the opposite when I saw him on the local rugby show a month or so ago. He gives them what they want and they lap it up.
      " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
      "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


      • Now we've got them boosting each other's morale.
        Not really. I just didn’t like him using the expression ‘too good’ when comparing the ABs and Wallabies to us.

        "England rugby player who thought the difference between rugby and soccer was that, in rugby, you picked up the ball and ran with it".
        So the sport itself is doomed then? A small comfort can be taken that there will be parallel and earlier terminating lines for one or two SH species of player?

        Temporary insanity, presumably.
        I assume so. Funnily enough as a couple they always berated other couples who talked endless ‘baby’. The irony is not lost on him that he now does a lot of the same.

        Oh! That's better then. Bearing in mind that I don't genuinely miss yours.
        Now that I did rather suspect.

        Pourquoi pas?
        I’m English.

        I have to tell you, England far outstripped the ABs in that department.
        Let me keep it logical. Does the fact that we outdid them in one game mean that the ABs do not do all those things in their play? Does it also mean they are not guilty of frequent offside, don’t use dummy runners and never cynically time waste?

        They do like to portray this myth of Kiwi rugby being ‘pure’ and ‘fair’ but it is as cynical as hell like every other major nation – and I can understand why they get hugely upset when a side out does them at it.

        Or, in this case, deluded.
        Though of course domestically I see far more Kiwis and Aussies than is the case for yourself and Caligastia in your domestic tournaments. I know what I see – and I’m not the slightest delusional about the SH sides.

        He was very, very silly. And very lucky they were kind to him.
        I’m sure he was silly. But to argue SH lads wouldn’t do it?

        And as for magnanimous AB rucking (or lack thereof) – hmm? They simply missed a chance I suspect.

        Out of character for him, I have to say.
        Reported here as someone having a go at his girlfriend. I understand Jeremy Paul and my mate Justin were there too?

        He gives them what they want and they lap it up.
        As we have remarked before it is so frustrating that they give him this free publicity. I keep expecting him to work “visit Campo’s at the Rocks” into every rant.
        It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


        • Originally posted by Tamerlin
          By the way, welcome MikeH...

          Havak told us that the whole world hated England and was against England, so you must be an English gentleman as you are defending the English players. But as you are hoisting up the European Community flag I must admit I have a little doubt...
          Yes, I'm English but I like Europe.

          Haven't read all this thread, didn't realise France were getting a slating as well.

          I thought it was Australia everyone hated.

          Did everyone see Campo mouthing off about how boring we were?

          Apparently even if we win we'll be damaging world rugby. I think he's just bitter because we've beaten them three times in a row. I thought it was us Poms who were supposed to whinge.

          Will be a tough game on Saturday. I know the Aussie taunting is designed to get us to loosen up and be more expansive so we are easier to beat but I hope we can get an early lead so that we can play some better rugby and get some tries. Although I don't really care as long as we beat them.
          Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
          Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
          We've got both kinds


          • You can relax. They are never going to play expansive form the word go when the Wallaby pack is very much there for the taking from what they have shown the last two weekends.

            Scrumming will test them - the loose head seems ill at ease a lot of the time and Noriega has been constantly pulled up in the last two games for his binding - he can't seem to get his head straight on it.

            It's best to ignore Campo and cite only the more rational Aussie baiting from the likes of Jones. You'll not draw Finbar into defending David gob-s**** Campese.

            Interestingly expanding on the discussion Finbar and I had about the relative qualities of our coaches I found an interesting interview Woodward gave to the English premiership website yesterday in which he had this to say:

            Our mindset is that this is the most important game, you have to go game by game. We are tremendously focused on the game, we had a tremendous game against the All Blacks, it will be a big shame if we don't front up on Saturday night. I think this Australian team will still be the team to beat in the World Cup; England have never won down here. In the World Cup they are playing at home, they have
            won the World Cup twice, they know how to win the championship, so it is a massive game for us. We have a good team and we are really looking forward to the game. If we can get a win on Saturday night, that will be a massive boost for everything that we are trying to
            do in October.
            It shows the difference in approach. Sure he is aiming for underdog status - that is the way this build up game is played. But note, unlike Eddie, there are no little barbs in there at the opposition. Poor Eddie just can't help himself on that front

            And to truly make Finbars day he also had this to say about a certain lock:

            he is an inspirational person to work with - he keeps pushing the barriers back. He has had a long season, he has got one more game to go on Saturday night, he takes it all in his stride and never moans, he
            doesn't like long meetings, he doesn't like too much analysis, he just likes to get on with it. He is a brilliant leader and he is still getting better, and I really think that come the World Cup time, he is going to be one incredibly focused young man and behind him an incredibly focused team. But he is the talisman - no doubt about that. A lot of people talk about if England lost Wilkinson. It would be a massive blow if we lost Johnson. He is a very, very important person, great to work with but he is the heartbeat of the
            Last edited by Havak; June 19, 2003, 08:52.
            It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


            • Originally posted by MikeH
              Yes, I'm English but I like Europe.
              I am glad to know the pro-europeans are not an extinct species in England (though it seems it is still hunted at extensively in this country). Be careful, Havak owns a loaded elephant gun.

              Haven't read all this thread, didn't realise France were getting a slating as well.
              The erratic results of the French team alone expose me to many opportunity shots.

              But we will show them...


              I thought it was Australia everyone hated.
              The problem is it is not fun to criticize Australia as Finbar is doing it himself oftenly and better than us.

              Will be a tough game on Saturday. I know the Aussie taunting is designed to get us to loosen up and be more expansive so we are easier to beat but I hope we can get an early lead so that we can play some better rugby and get some tries. Although I don't really care as long as we beat them.
              This is again a Commonwealth internal issue.

              You might be surprised but I am always supporting England against the heretics of the SH. Beware of Finbar as he is able to support England to make you lose.

              About the age of the referees, I think the problem is really important. The french federation is already complaining about the lack of new referees and I expect we will have more and more problems in the future. The problem is the job of the referee is becoming more and more difficult, the higher stakes coming with professionalism, and the huge amounts of money involved, are putting a strong pressure on the referees. Even in the lower divisions, the referees are less and less respected and in the french Top 16 Championship the referees are leaving the field accompanied by vigils because of a few excited individuals I deny the right to be called supporters. But the problem reminds me of the "snake biting its own tail".

              - Increased pressure on the referees (from the clubs and the federations) -> Rules putting an emphasis on interpretation and constantly changing -> Increased chances of debatable decisions -> Loss of respect -> Excessive behavior of supporters and officials -> Open criticism of the refereeing body -> Less umpires willing to follow this path -> Referees accumulating a bad reputation with some crowds -> Return to the beginning

              Other problems could be invoked like a lack of adequate training, the lack of communication of the refereeing body and so on... I am not surprised the International umpires are rather old, helming an international level game requires a higher skill (this is theory) and thus an experience which can only be accumulated with time. But IMO it will become increasingly difficult to renew the referees.
              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


              • Yeah, Johnson would be a huge out as Big Ron might say.
                Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
                Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
                We've got both kinds


                • Originally posted by Havak
                  So the sport itself is doomed then? A small comfort can be taken that there will be parallel and earlier terminating lines for one or two SH species of player?
                  All I can say is Thank God the little dotted line with A. Healey's name beside it sputtered out.

                  I assume so. Funnily enough as a couple they always berated other couples who talked endless ‘baby’. The irony is not lost on him that he now does a lot of the same.
                  Amazing how often that happens. I think SARS is some sort of variation on the same virus. My ex-sister in law - I say ex-, thankfully - once told me that one's life wasn't complete until one had children. Stupid cloth-eared bint.

                  Let me keep it logical. Does the fact that we outdid them in one game mean that the ABs do not do all those things in their play? Does it also mean they are not guilty of frequent offside, don’t use dummy runners and never cynically time waste?
                  Oh, I thought we were talking about last Saturday's game. Anyway, of course the ABs do it. Everyone has done it. But England's effort last weekend was, um, pretty spectacular, I thought.

                  I’m sure he was silly. But to argue SH lads wouldn’t do it?
                  I've never seen anyone wrap both hands around the ball like that with their hands and arms so exposed. Usually it's a hand or an arm trying to hoik the ball. It was an amazing image captured by the camera.

                  And as for magnanimous AB rucking (or lack thereof) – hmm? They simply missed a chance I suspect.
                  Lucky that madman Troy Flavell wasn't on the spot. He'd've amputated both Wilkinson's arms.

                  Reported here as someone having a go at his girlfriend. I understand Jeremy Paul and my mate Justin were there too?
                  Yes, I heard something about the girlfriend. If the others were there, they can't have done anything. George is the only one in trouble. I have to say, if I had to offend a bloke by having a go at his girlfriend, it wouldn't be George Smith.

                  I keep expecting him to work “visit Campo’s at the Rocks” into every rant.
                  I think that's pretty much what it's about these days. Keeping his profile going. Pity.

                  Hey Cal - Time to start a new thread!
                  " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                  "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                  • Originally posted by Tamerlin
                    The erratic results of the French team alone expose me to many opportunity shots.

                    But we will show them...

                    Face it, we slag Les Bleus whether they're winning or losing. In fact, face it, we slag everyone!

                    The problem is it is not fun to criticize Australia as Finbar is doing it himself oftenly and better than us.
                    I can only quote my hero, the much missed Paul Keating - the Royal Bra Strap Snapper - who said (in as many words) : "We live at the arse-end of the world".

                    You might be surprised but I am always supporting England against the heretics of the SH. Beware of Finbar as he is able to support England to make you lose.
                    What a fine idea! I might support England on Saturday night! Hmmm. I wonder if Havak's Mum has any recipes I could use.

                    Other problems could be invoked like a lack of adequate training, the lack of communication of the refereeing body and so on... I am not surprised the International umpires are rather old, helming an international level game requires a higher skill (this is theory) and thus an experience which can only be accumulated with time. But IMO it will become increasingly difficult to renew the referees.
                    Mon ami, I think it's time you donned the baggy shorts and took up the whistle.
                    " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                    "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                    • Rugby - Agree to Disagree?

                      It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt

