Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Foooooore!
I agree with you where there are significant barriers to entry, but when those barriers don't exist I think firms with monopoly power tend to have low prices to create a type of barrier.
I agree with that.
Originally posted by Master Zen
Well, the monopoly power would of course be used to drive out competition. Thus, monopolies produce at a price low enough that no potential competitor can compete with, yet much higher than what they could if they were playing at MR = MC.
Well, the monopoly power would of course be used to drive out competition. Thus, monopolies produce at a price low enough that no potential competitor can compete with, yet much higher than what they could if they were playing at MR = MC.
Originally posted by Master Zen
My idea, beneath all this theory is that all industries pick up a certain degree of monopoly power (and this is actually consistent with neo-classical theory as perfect competition would disable firm entry to the market altogether) and that there is more or less an agreement on prices through a certain range of firms within the industry.
My idea, beneath all this theory is that all industries pick up a certain degree of monopoly power (and this is actually consistent with neo-classical theory as perfect competition would disable firm entry to the market altogether) and that there is more or less an agreement on prices through a certain range of firms within the industry.