Originally posted by Dissident
I'm not really sure what hashish is to be honest. I always figured it was like pot but stronger. Is that correct?
I'm not really sure what hashish is to be honest. I always figured it was like pot but stronger. Is that correct?
People take drugs in order to achieve happiness. Nearly all drugs, however, have tolerance effects - the more you take, the more your body tries to ignore them.
I got hooked on cigarettes because I smoked joints. Now I avoid just about all of them except tobacco, having tried just about all of them (the exceptions being the rarer sorts of hallucinogens).
And yes, I was depressed, and yes, they did help.
For me, the real problems are not the drugs so much as as the anti-social behaviour that goes along with them, especially with crack and heroin.
Boredom is a factor too. The west is so soft, so easy and so dull. If we had to toil seventeen hours in the fields just to get enough to eat, I think drug usage would be pretty much zero. That price just isn't worth paying.
I think it was Abe Lincoln who remarked "Prohibition does not work".