Difficult to say, if it should be terraformed.
As a Biologist I would like it to first be fully explored for fossils of lifeforms (for example bacteriae).
Due to the close proximity of the habitability zones of mars to earth and the former presence of water on the planet, it could be interesting to conduct extensive surveys.
There is also the mysterie of those possible Bacteria fossils in ALH 94001 where it AFAIK up to date couldn´t be definitely proven or disproven if the residues are remnants from Mars-microbae.
So I would chose to first conduct extensive biological research on Mars before making a decision wehter terraform Mars or not (I fearexisting fossils could be destroyed if as a result of terraforming the climate gets more humid and the atmospheric pressure rises).
As a Biologist I would like it to first be fully explored for fossils of lifeforms (for example bacteriae).
Due to the close proximity of the habitability zones of mars to earth and the former presence of water on the planet, it could be interesting to conduct extensive surveys.
There is also the mysterie of those possible Bacteria fossils in ALH 94001 where it AFAIK up to date couldn´t be definitely proven or disproven if the residues are remnants from Mars-microbae.
So I would chose to first conduct extensive biological research on Mars before making a decision wehter terraform Mars or not (I fearexisting fossils could be destroyed if as a result of terraforming the climate gets more humid and the atmospheric pressure rises).