Why upset group harmony and waste your own time and energy just to be an individual?
Because it is better to think for yourself about EVERYTHING than to be an automaton to society. It what makes 'people' different, we can rationally decide why we want to do something. You can easily have said 'why upset group harmony and waste your own time and energy to be an individual' to people such as Washington and Voltaire and Napoleon and Smith (Adam). Individuals that are willing to upset group harmony and waste their time and effort are those that make life better. They are the ones the define the new morality and they are the ones we treat as heros.
The question is why should I go with the crowd on some aspects? The crowd can bugger off. I think most people are a bunch of morons who have no idea where Afghanistan was before we went in there. I want THEM deciding for me? I think not.
And whether it matters if I came to a reasoned conclusion vs. societal pressure, it does. It matters to me. I ain't simply a cog in the system, boyo

A fallacy, you know.
Which we all use.
As long as their are some people actually thinking about things at the party level, I don't see what's so wrong with it. We can't all be experts on everything, so you have to spout off the ideas of others as if they're your own from time to time.
Hopefully you actually think about each of the 'experts' arguments before accepting them.
People who 'think at the party level' aren't really thinking critically at all. They back a party and usually stay with it for life, blindly following whoever the party has in charge. The only reason they'll abandon it is if the party goes totally astry from what they've been told the values of the party are. They don't think about each issue individually, they simply accept it from their higher ups. It's absolutely scary.