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X Men 2 *Spoilers*

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  • #31
    This was one great film.

    The first X-Men film was interesting, but it didn't really captivate me. I didn't bother seeing Spiderman or Daredevil. The CGI effects in those films looked to be over done from what I witnessed in the trailers. I hate Lucas' dependance on CGI, so the thought of seeing Spiderman and his nemesis as pure CGI action was a major turn-off.

    X-Men 2 didn't abuse CGI. The fight between Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike took 3 weeks to film! That's what I pay money to see, not some dumb unrealistic animated Spiderman flying through the air.

    The continuity from the first film had me instantly involved. It had a serial kind of feel, like Star Wars which is what I always hope from any sequel.

    The characters in X-Men 2 were interesting. Every single one of them. And what a cast to represent them! Most films just have one babe, but with Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as the shapely Mystique, this film was a feast for the eyes.


    But what really set this movie apart for me - what put it miles above any super hero film I have seen since the second Superman - was the escape of Magneto. I saw a thread here recently that claimed Magneto was weak and lame. I couldn't disagree more. His escape from his plastic gaol was as satisfying as Hannibal Lecter's great escape in Silence of the Lambs. Bryan Singer obviously drew inspiration from that film. Seeing Magneto manipulating that liquid metal, hovering over the gulf like a transcendant god - it was simply superb. Not since Superman II when Superman crushed the hand of General Zod has a previously impotent character made such a dramatic comeback.

    The climax was the icing on the cake. Just when I thought the film was over, it kept unfolding like the waves rushing from the bursting dam.

    Most good films totally capture my attention. I am immersed in the fantasy world presented to me, and when the film ends, I come back to myself with mild shock and disappointment. Bad films fail to do this, and I look around the darkened theatre, look at my watch, and check the aisles to see if I can make an easy get away. But truly great films have me looking at my watch, hoping the film will never end. That is what X-Men 2 did for me.


    Last edited by Bkeela; May 4, 2003, 00:18.
    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


    • #32
      Originally posted by DinoDoc
      I didn't notice those two. Good catch! However, you should be ashamed to have missed Jaime Maddox.

      Damn! Where?

      He was a very powerful (read: omnipotent) mutant until he lost his powers. Who did you think was responsible for the Heroes Reborn episode?

      Shush! Help me out here!
      Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


      • #33
        Isn't Franklin Richards=Mr. Fantastic?

        Thanks, Dino. I almost took that bet.

        Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
        Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
        *****Citizen of the Hive****
        "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


        • #34
          Originally posted by Lonestar
          Damn! Where?
          Stryker has a file on him. You see his name on the screen when Mystique is going through his computer. Don't feel to bad. I missed it the first time I saw the movie.

          PS How do you think they'll handle the Pheonix? Rip off the Ultimate X-Men version of the story the sameway they did God Loves, Man Kills or something else?
          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


          • #35
            Originally posted by Frankychan
            Isn't Franklin Richards=Mr. Fantastic?

            Thanks, Dino. I almost took that bet.

            Way to Bravo-foxtrot a fellow AECCP member Dinodoc!

            Reed Richards is Mister Fantastic
            Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Lonestar
              Way to Bravo-foxtrot a fellow AECCP member Dinodoc!
              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


              • #37
                Originally posted by DinoDoc

                PS How do you think they'll handle the Pheonix? Rip off the Ultimate X-Men version of the story the sameway they did God Loves, Man Kills or something else?
                I'm glad I'm not the only one who say the God loves, Man kills connection.

                I think they'll do it with the UXM, after all, they did have Sebastian Shaw...
                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                • #38
                  Whoops, got the two mixed up.

                  Then who is this 'Franklin'?
                  Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                  Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                  *****Citizen of the Hive****
                  "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Lonestar
                    I'm glad I'm not the only one who say the God loves, Man kills connection.
                    Anyone who has read Wizard's coverage of the movie and saw the name Stryker would notice the connection.
                    I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                    For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Frankychan
                      Whoops, got the two mixed up.

                      Then who is this 'Franklin'?
                      Reed's kid.

                      Which means the Fantastic Four are indeed in the X-men movieverse.
                      Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by DinoDoc
                        Anyone who has read Wizard's coverage of the movie and saw the name Stryker would notice the connection.
                        Read whozeewha?

                        (okay, okay, I did)

                        I liked Magneto in this movie. Of course, he helped the X-men, but at the end it showed he was essentially the same as Stryker.

                        And the President is a frickin' Mutant! Whiskey-tango-foxtrot?
                        Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                        • #42
                          Dammit! and I have the graphic novel "Doom" where he's in it too. Ya know, the one where Doom gets trapped on Planet Doom and has to get back....

                          And little Franklin Richards pesters the good doctor through most of the comic book, directly and indirectly.

                          I don't know that much about Franklin except he's Invisible and Mr. Fantastics kid.
                          Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                          Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                          *****Citizen of the Hive****
                          "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                          • #43
                            They left quite a few older X-Men characters out of the first movie - there was no White Queen, Boomerang, or Juggernaut.
                            Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Lonestar
                              And the President is a frickin' Mutant! Whiskey-tango-foxtrot?
                              The President isn't a mutant. You saw him writhing in agony when Professor X was attempting to kill all the humans.
                              I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                              For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DinoDoc
                                The President isn't a mutant. You saw him writhing in agony when Professor X was attempting to kill all the humans.
                                He wasn't writhering like his protective detail. He had the look of someone who just had the crap scared outta them.
                                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.

