Hurray for the 8-hour day! Hurray for the right to organize! Hurray for the end of child labor! Hurray for safer working conditions! Hurray for the minum wage! Hurray for Social Security! Hurray for Universal Medical Care . . . oh wait, we Americans don't have that one . . . YET!

Eight hours for work!
Eight hours for sleep!
And eight hours for what we will!
Let us remember our fallen comrades who made these victories possible and gave us all a better life.
Hurray for the 8-hour day! Hurray for the right to organize! Hurray for the end of child labor! Hurray for safer working conditions! Hurray for the minum wage! Hurray for Social Security! Hurray for Universal Medical Care . . . oh wait, we Americans don't have that one . . . YET!

Eight hours for work!
Eight hours for sleep!
And eight hours for what we will!
Let us remember our fallen comrades who made these victories possible and gave us all a better life.