Originally posted by MRT144
nye, the thing i dont understand is how anyone can tolerate any violence period. and certain kinds of violence over another. does the victim and intent really change the fact of what happened?
nye, the thing i dont understand is how anyone can tolerate any violence period. and certain kinds of violence over another. does the victim and intent really change the fact of what happened?
Why? Because we all live in an ordered, and enforced, society.
Do we tolerate some of our sons and daughters killing 'enemies' overseas? Yes.
Why? Because the world is not an ordered and enforced society. No matter how we want to dress it up, no matter how much you want to believe in the UN, the reality is that someone is just around the corner wanting to take your national lunch away from you. There are no cops to stop it. There is no order, aside from the agreements of the 200 some-odd nations of the Earth. And those agreements aren't particularly useful when the **** hits the fan.
Ask the Tibetans.
As for what Westerners should tolerate for violence. I would say enough to ensure a halt to the attacks on civilians by civilians for political purposes most anywhere in the world. If we do not do it, who will?