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What is the DEAL with depleted uranium?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat

    Q. What do you call the crew of a tank that's been hit?

    A. Shake and bake.
    Do you know how is called M1A2 after hit by flechete ammunition?
    1 million dolars worth of glass shards.


    • #92
      Flechettes are great light infantry demotivators, though.
      When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


      • #93
        Alright fine, I give up, afterall I'm carrying on a unilateral action against a coalition of the willing.

        I'm still skeptical that there is nearly enough research on the matter, especially where long-term effects are concerned or links to GW syndrome so most of the arguements for it saying "there simply is no information to suggest..." seem to be flawed from the outset.

        As to the necessity of it, armor is quickly becoming less of an issue and I think it would be quite simple and enforcable to ban the disproportionate use of it.

        Well, I said I'd shut up and I keep on talking you should know I've shortened this post significantly. I guess I'll let this thread and issue drift softly into that good night, or something to that effect.
        Last edited by gsmoove23; May 2, 2003, 17:55.


        • #94
          Originally posted by gsmoove23
          Alright fine, I give up, : afterall I'm carrying on a unilateral action against a coalition of the willing.

          I'm still skeptical that there is nearly enough research on the matter, especially where long-term effects are concerned or links to GW syndrome so most of the arguements for it saying "there simply is no information to suggest..." seem to be flawed from the outset.

          As to the necessity of it, armor is quickly becoming less of an issue and I think it would be quite simple and enforcable to ban the disproportionate use of it.

          Well, I said I'd shut up and I keep on talking you should know I've shortened this post significantly. I guess I'll let this thread and issue drift softly into that good night, or something to that effect.
          You're ok. I beat on you less hard than Sava.


          • #95
            Japher: little known fact about mercury: You can drink a whole glass of it, and the most adverse affect is a case of incredibly violent diharrea. (which is caused by you drinking a liquid with a density 13.6 times higher than water).

            The used to to that to cure twisted intestines in the old days...

            What makes mercury toxic is that if it comes out in the environment, bacteria converts it to dimethylmercury, which is incredibly poisinous for humans...
            Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine

