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65% of americans are fat

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  • #46
    I think that's a myth. Sure some people have faster metabolisms and certain bodytypes that have a perpensity towards being thinner, but if you exercise and eat a reasonable amount of food, you won't get fat. I have yet to see a fat person that doesn't eat a lot.
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #47
      DarthVeda, I agree with you 110%. Looking at your sig.. you've done some huge changes! Congratulations, don't give up!
      In da butt.
      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


      • #48
        Diet is obviously important, but so is the amount of daily physical activity. Between cars, escalators, and elevators, most people do not get an appropriate amount of daily exertion.

        Is there anyone here that walks or cycles to school/work and uses stairs regularly that considers themselves overweight, or close to being so?


        • #49
          I have the opposite problem - I couldn't be bothered eating. I weigh 55kgs, exactly the same weight as my fiance who is a hell of a lot shorter than I am. Alas.
          How tall are you?


          • #50
            Good God, DV, you were over 150kg?? That's huge!!!! I am 90kg or so and I though I was fat!

            Edit: BTW, congrats on losing so much So, care to let us in on your diet plan (other than the no pasta bit)?


            • #51
              no matter how little I ate until I cut out the pastas/breads and fruits entirely
              I can see the carbs but aren't fruit/veggies goot for you almost not matter what?

              For me at least it doesn't matter much what I eat. It seems that no matter what I eat I gain fat at a constant rate if I don't exercise and lose it if I exercise.
              Stop Quoting Ben


              • #52
                Does 65% seem high to anyone else
                Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer


                • #53
                  I ride a stationary bike more than 10 miles a day, and walk on other days. Also watch what I eat now more than I did in the past, and it's all added up to a loss of 36 pounds since November.

                  "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                  "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                  • #54
                    Dammit, we're not fat, we're big boned!
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #55
                      Darthveds is correct.

                      The FDA launched a war against fatty foods. Well interestingly the obesity rate skyrocketed.

                      Fat is good for you.

                      The main problems are:

                      1) Sugar
                      2) White starchy carbs

                      Both of these jack your insulin around and lead to getting fat.

                      The age old balanced meal has always been the way to go:

                      1) Piece of meat
                      2) Side of vegetable
                      3) Side of WHOLE GRAIN carbs

                      What is interesting is that McDonald's and Jack In the Box have both launched new salad lines.

                      I think Mickey D's has attempted this SEVERAL times but it has usually failed. So they stick to their tried and true crap line of crap.

                      Another underlying problem is that Americans have less and less time every year to do ANYTHING. Eating right takes time.

                      Originally posted by DarthVeda
                      This has more to do with the really ****ty advice the FDA has been handing out over the past 20 years than 'American decadence'.

                      Have you actually ever looked at the food pyramid? It's a joke... if you ate that much bread every day you'll be over 300 pounds in no time! I didn't and I was anyway.

                      Is it a surprise you see that thing on so many sugary cereal boxes, bread labels, and breakfast foods?

                      Honestly that's bad advice. I frankly think the 2nd tier and the base tier need to switch...
                      We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln

