Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
Another quality post from Sheep
Do you suffer form selective blindness? I see no reason to keep repeatign the poitn that I've been making the whole time since you returned, but I shall do so anyway: I don't care what happens to your nation, and you can have it back fi you like as long you find a way to resolve this without war, because you will lose if it comes to war. Given that you were absent from her ewhile sitll posting on the NES forum, along with your nation being deleted, it was perfectly logical to assume that you did not itnend to come back; ergo, no-one felt it encessary to consult you about what happened to your extinct nation when you weren't even online most of the time. This has happened already: deal with it. Ever sinc eoyu arrived back, you have done nothing except rant, threaten war, and cry genocide rather than simply agreeing to hold a referendum, which we could have agreed that you would win. I'm perfectly willing to take that solution as long as you cut out the f*cking ranting. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to here you lie and make baseless accusations endlessly?
Another quality post from Sheep
