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Alecrast announces peaceful annexation of former Sheepsta islands

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  • The rules may not be written down like in NES's, Sheep, but that doesn't mean you don't have to play the game . . .
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


    • White text on a blue field

      A message from His Majesty the Lord-Captain Archaic of Flaim, Elected Monarch of Alecrast to all peoples of Apolyton.

      Screen crosses over to a shot of a man of regal bearing on a yellow and blue throne

      My message tonight is to all people of Apolyton, but particulary towards the peoples of Alecrast, and of North and South Sheepsta, as well as our close friends the Bulbasaur's of the BMGf region. I come before you to refute the statements made earlier today by the unnamed self-appointed Chairman of the so-called "United Socialist States of New Sheepsta", whom our media has taken to calling "Ew Bastard".

      A slideshow of both still images and short video clips replaces the image of the Monarch, with him narrating the images as the come up

      In his own words, "Ew Bastard" makes the claim that "The people of Sheepsta have started resisiting the foreign controlled puppet governments of the 'protectorates' of the occupied region." As you can see, this is quite far from the truth.
      Firstly, the only people who seem to be "resisting" are the USSNS paramilitary forces, who have participated in a number of terrorist actions, the results of which.....I'll can how you only once the adults have had time to ferry their children out of the room. Anyone who doesn't feel their stomachs are up to it, I suggest you get out of the room now. Indeed, I've survived nuclear holocost not once, but twice within 8 years, and even I am now suffering nightmares from these images still. Are you all prepared? I hope so. Here we go in 5.....4......3........2......1

      Horrifying images of the results of USSNS acts of terrorism, beginning with the car bomb attacks, and progressing towards images of even greater crimes against humanity, ending with the security video from a North Sheepstan subway station as a USSNS agent releases a deadly airborne nerve agent

      My apologies all for having to show you those images, but the truth must be known.

      To continue, secondly, both North and South Sheepsta have free and democratic elections at all three levels, local, state, and national, supervised by minders from the UN and other nations of Apolyton, such as Centralis, to assure that there is no tampering or influencing of votes by either Alecrast or Bulbagarden. The "State" elections are, in truth, elections for the parliments of North and South Sheepsta respectivly. The "National" elections are elections to the national parliments of Alecrast and Bulbagarden respectivly, and there are quite a number of representatives from these territories in both the lower and upper houses, including in Alecrast two members of the Council of 15, His Lordship the Knight-Protector of North Sheepsta, Fernando Bou of the Athar political faction, and Erik Bax, CEO of Nukes4U, of the Dustmen faction. The Athar, it should be noted, are comprised almost to a man of ethnic Sheepstans, born and raised in Sheepsta itself, and the party as a whole has as its corperate sponsor the the North Sheepstan Citizens Council, an independant body formed by much of the former USS government representatives. The Athar are the current ruling party of both the North and South Sheepstan state governments.

      Thirdly, Ew Bastard" claims that his goal is "the complete and utter liberation of the Sheepstan people from the Anarchial regimes of the mnuderous government of Alecrast and Bulbagraden"
      Ignoring the fact that "Ew Bastard" obviously needs lessons in spelling, pronounciation and grammar, this claim is as far from the truth as they come, ans we submit as proof the UN's own reports on the government, business and society of Alecrast, Bulbagarden, and of the Protectorates.
      North Sheepsta
      South Sheepsta
      I ask you, are these "Anarchial regimes" or "mnuderous government"s? I see only one murderous government here, and that is the USSNS,

      To continue, in his own words, "Ew Bastard" next claims "TO much surpiese of Alecrast and Bulbagarden many of their supposed supporters in the North and South Occupation zone paramilitries have started to activley support the true government of Sheepsta and have turned their wepons on their oppressors. "
      Ignoring again the fact that "Ew Bastard" obviously needs lessons in spelling, pronounciation and grammar, this claim is vastly overstated. This "many" he speaks of are mere thousands in a population of millions, thousands who, in all likelyhood, were supporters of Cardinal Ew who had gone underground since the moving in of Alecrast and Bulbagarden military forces in support the Sheepstan Brownshirts, and since Cardinal Ew's public execution, for which the honourable former Deputy Prime Minister of the United States of Sheepsta pulled the lever.

      "Ew Bastard" claims that Alecrast and Bulbagarden are "imperialist regimes that seek to control all of Sheepsta". Again, this could not be further from the truth. As has been stated and demonstrated many times, both Alecrast and Bulbagarden are more than willing to grant the territories independance if they so wish it. As of yet, they have not expressed any desire for such a thing, excepting only the paramilitary forces of the USSNS, who as you remember are the remaints of the forces of Cardinal Ew, who took control over the remaining forces of the "Holy Empire of Sheepsta" after they lose the civil war to the liberating forces of the "United States of Sheepsta", and its coalition of allies.

      "Ew Bastard" calls us "oppressors". We again submit the UN reports on the nations as evidence, and ask if these are truly the acts of oppressors.

      "Ew Bastard" calls for "the world to break ties with the Alecrastians and the Bulbagardians for their economic greed", and claims that our "only reason to be in Sheepsta is its abundaunt naturall reserves of oil, coal, bauxite and other minerals. There only aim to benefit from the reconstruction of the damage the inflicted on our once proud land." Again, he continues his campaign of lies. While it is true that many firms of Alecrast and Bulbagarden have benifited greatly from the opening up of the markets of Sheepsta, this is true of many nations, not just of Alecrast and Bulbagarden. Furthermore, North and South Sheepsta both have developed powerful economies and industries of their own. North Sheepsta having strong industries in Gambling and Soda Sales, South Sheepsta in Beef-Based Agriculture and Automobile Manufacturing, and both sharing a large Uranium Mining sector ruled over by Nukes4U, a massive multinational company of which now 30% is owned by Sheepstan individuals, and the CEO of which, Erik Bax, is, as previously stated, both a Sheepstan national and a member of Alecrast's Council of 15.
      Secondly, while it is true that Sheepsta holds abundant natural mineral resources, this is true of both Alecrast and Bulbagarden as well. We have no need for these resources. Yes, it is true that Alecrast and Bulbagarden purchase the lions share of that which is mined, however this is done at the going market rates. There is no favouritism here.
      As for the damage inflicted on the Sheepstan land, I ask everyone to think back to the Sheepstan Civil War, in which Bulbagarden did not fight, and Alecrast played only a minor role. It was the people who have now become the USSNS paramilitary forces who launched Nuclear Weapons on civilian centres and other targets, and caused the same destruction to the land as Alecrast faced both when attacked by forces unknown not so long ago, and back during the Chaos Wars.

      Finally, "Ew Bastard" makes his most henious claim, saying "You need only look at the pretense of Alecrast as they stormed unpeacefully the Sheepstan homeland. While they maimed and killed thousands if not millions of Sheepstan civilians. They sought only to annex Sheepsta outright."

      This is repeating his false claims from earlier. We came in at the request of the people of Sheepsta, after a referendum by the people which ratified their status as our protectorates. While these elections have since been contested by the region, a second election is being set up by members of observer nations around the region, and we feel confident that they will again vote for us to stay. If they don't....then we'll move out. We are here because we were asked to be here.
      As for the claims of maiming and killing, there is only one group of people here who have done that. These paramilitaries. I'm sure we all remember when they slaughtered Alecrast civilians who were taken to Sheepsta after the attacks at the start of the Sheepstan Civil War, not to mention those pictures that we showed you earlier. Independant Inspectors from around the region have already validated this, and have validated these claims of "Ew Bastard" as being patently false. Why he continues to make them is beyond us.
      As for the claims we wish to annex Sheepsta, I believe this has already been addressed.

      In closing, I hope that the court comes to the correct decision on this matter soon, and that military action will not be necessary. However, I do ask all peoples to be prepared if such an eventuality might come to pass, as it is that path which the USSNS seems hell bent on.

      Thank you all for your time.
      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


      • Then how else do you RP? You have said that the people support you, he has said that they support him. Ye sit might not be true, so dispute it, but many people have RPed like this, reismark about the AI in Akiria for example. Yes he has probided no evidence that there are rebellions, but it is perfectly conceivable to me that the people are patriotic and wish to be reunited with their traditional homeland.

        I agree, some things that people make up like this need to just be denied (such as GTs Workhouses in the ACDG), and this may be one, but if no-one can Godmod, then nothing of that nature happens.

        However, Sheep, I would advise you to tone it down a little.

        I hope I got the definition of Godmodding right
        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
        But he would think of something

        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


        • What has Sheep done that Archaic hasn't in that post? Archaic stated that he held referendums that showed the people on his side, Sheep stated that the people are reviolting against Alecrast and are afraid of their military. What is the difference?
          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
          But he would think of something

          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


          • The main difference is that it seems rather more plausible that the people would choose to stay in the protectorates than to join New Sheepsta, given the conditions in the diffeent areas.


            • Not to mention that a lot of what Sheep's saying there is contrary to a lot of what's already been established earlier in the thread (eg. His saying I "stormed unpeacefully the Sheepstan homeland").

              What I did in my post really was just stating what the status quo is that Sheep's trying to change, then adding a few things that seemed plausible given the RP that's already happened (Such as what we know the USSNS forces are willing to do. They used Nukes before afterall, and they're waging a war of terrorism against me, so the Nerve Agents are just a logical extension of that).
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • The Kingdom of Wine once again state his support for the Sheepstan cause, it is of big concerne for King Giovanni to see once again the efficient and friendly USS ruling over the totality of Sheepsta Islands.

                Wine observers have also noticed that while in North Sheepsta everything seems to go well, in South Sheepsta there is indeed much truth about what the government of New Sheepsta claims.

                The Royal Secret Intelligence Agency have written in its reports about South Sheepsta:
                "The population of 40 million are effectively ruled by a group of massive corporations, who run for political office and provide their well-off citizens with world-class goods and services. Their poorer citizens, however, are mostly starving to death while being urged to go out and get real jobs. The populace has reasonably extensive civil rights, although these are mostly aimed at allowing them to buy whatever they like."

                Wine agents have discovered that most of those well-off citizens are indeed Bulbagarden citizens that moved to Sheepsta.
                Also the simple fact that Bulbagarden have been described as a dictatorship by the UN itself made the Wine Prime Minister: The Grand Duke Francesco Morelli, wonder about how well is Bulbagarden administrating Southern Sheepsta.

                It is believed by the Wine government that the Bulbagarden administration failed in it's work in Sheepsta, and should withdraw from the island as it is not even providing the Sheepstan people with the basic needs, such as food and healthcare, and letting them starve to death.

                Therefore the Kingdom of Wine asks Bulbagarden to renounce its protectorate over Sheepsta, and allow International Observers to run that part of the nation until votations will decide on weather it should be left independent of should be merged with New Sheepsta.

                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • RSIA? Appears to be more like the UN report to me. Perhaps your agents are slack. And while we're looking at UN reports, here's what the UN had to say about "The United Socialist States of New Sheepsta"

                  Its compassionate, hard-working, cynical population of 40 million are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

                  And "Ew Bastard" has the gall to accuse us of economic greed?

                  Firstly, Alecrast would like to know why Wine would support a state which sponsors terrorism against the very people its retoric says it's trying to liberate. There are always casualties in a war, however deliberate attacks on civilians going about their normal day to day business is a very different matter entirely.

                  Alecrast would also like to know how Wine "agents" could discover "that most of those well-off citizens are indeed Bulbagarden citizens that moved to Sheepsta." when it has already been qualified and confirmed (See the last page.) that no Alecrast or Bulbagarden citizens have moved to Sheepsta. Furthermore, while it is acknowledged that there is a massive humanitarian problem in both North and South Sheepsta, this is due to the state of the country at the time when Alecrast and Bulbagarden began protecting it, not because of Alecrast and Bulbagarden's economic policies. The governments of both nations are trying to raise welfare spending both at home and in the protectorates to deal with this problem, but we must all acknowledge that there is no overnight fix for something like this. The fact however that there ARE jobs available in non-dangerous (ie. Besides the mining sector) industries (Beef-Based Agriculture and Automobile Manufacturing both spring to mind) that many people are qualified for, yet they still refuse to take them, is rather worrying.

                  Furthermore, while Alecrast acknowledges that it doesn't particulary favour Bulbagarden's political system, we can have no real problem with a person who was elected dictator for life by the people of his nation after bringing them out of economic ruin. We also don't see how its home political system makes any difference to how they've administrated South Sheepsta, which as you can see has Superb political freedoms. The so called "New Sheepsta" however has Few political freedoms.
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • The issue isn't necessarily about whether the people support Alecrast or Sheepsta, but whether Alecrast and Bulbagarden's control of thos countries is legal. At least, that is the legal position. Alecrast is assuming that political freedoms is a reason for people to like a particular reason. Personally, I do not see this as an issue of who runs the country better, as that is completely subjective, depending on what you want in a country. Sheep prefers it as it was, Archaic as it is now. It is not the job of the international community to decide how to run a country, that is an issue of sovereignty. What should be up to the court, is whether the control of North and South Sheepsta is lawful. Who should have control over said nations cannot rest on the subjective opinions of what the judges look for in a nation, but on the legality for intervention by Alecrast. There is also the issue about whether Alecrast has authorisation to intervene, or whether it should have come to the UN or the Regional Court to ask for a mandate. I would like to see this heard in Court, so we can decide which.

                    Giovanni: if you are running as a judge, posting your opinion before any trial might be unadvisable. I am reserving judgement until I have heard the facts in a court.

                    Sheep: Will you allow this to be heard in the court, once judges have been elected? Alecrast will not be allowed to hear it, sicne it is a party involved. However, since you lack militarily against Alecrast, it is probably in your best interest to give judgement to the international community, rather than try your chances at war. As is true to international law, if Sheep decides not to allow the case, then it can be heard, and judgement given, but neither party is bound to any action, nor to observe the judgement. All that sort of judgement will do is ratify to the international community a recommendation of the legal position.
                    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                    But he would think of something

                    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                    • Yes the whole issue here is who has a legal right to controll North and South Sheepsta and weather or not Alecrast. If Jaskson is elected to the court, we would hear all sides before making a final dession, but we too have seen many of the actions that lead up to this first hand. Weather or not the people of Sheepsta are being treated fairly will not be an issue that will be considered, rather the issues that Drogue pointed out.

                      Allthough one note to this whole thing, if Alcreast would have consulted the nations of Apolyton and did not involve a nation that is out of the Apolyton region and that most nations of Apolyton know little about we could have avioded this mess in the first place.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • Very true, since it is out of this region, Buldagarden is unable to be tried. However, the court can decide to remove a country from outside the region having control of one inside it, when it is in session. I will bring this if I am elected, and the court can decide. Personally, if Alecrast loses, I don't see hown Bulbagarden can stay, however, if Alecrast wins, I think South Sheepsta should be taken into international custody, since Bulbagarden is not a member of Apolyton, thus not subject to it's court, whether beneficial or not.
                        For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                        But he would think of something

                        "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                        • To: Alecrast
                          From: Wine

                          if you read our request better, you will see that we never said we should give south Sheepsta or north Sheepsta to the despotic nation of New Sheepsta, and you will see that we had hopes for the return of the USS to rule over Sheepsta island.

                          We just said that since it looked to us that Bulbagarden was not (according to our standards) doing a good enough job with their protectorate mandate, we hoped that Bulbagarden would have recognized this and therefore withdrawed from this position, and allowed for international forces to run the country, until votations (from the people) would have choosed on its fate, if they want to be independent, if they want to be merged with New Sheepsta, or if they want to stay under an International administration for some more time.

                          Also this was refered only to South Sheepsta, as, always according to the RSIA (and confirmed by the UN), it looks to us that Alecrast is instead doing a very good job in the administration of North Sheepsta.

                          Also you claim that South Sheepsta has Superb Political Freedom ranking, but Political Freedom is not everything, when our agents reported us that people were starving to death out on the street, without a bit of healthcare or welfare program, it really disappointed us.
                          We see, as we already said, that Alecrast has instead done a fine job in that. Why wasn't Bulbagarden able to do the sae things? We believe that the time for the protectorates already expired, and Bulbagarden failed, now it is time to let the international community run South Sheepsta, and let the Southern Sheepstan decide their own fate by votations.

                          To: Drogue
                          I decided to post my position, so that the voters would have known which position I have, and knew for who they are voting (or not voting).
                          I think it is better to give a clear and defined position BEFORE votations, instead of not having one, and wait to be voted in.

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • Giovanni: It is better not to give an opinion before the trial, else you can be seen as biased and may be asked (by the parties) to be removed from the judge bench for the trial. The fact there is an election shouldn't make a difference, posting your opinion before trial could make you prejudiced, especially having an argument with one of the parties in the trial. No offence intended, just my opinion on the actions of judges, that opinions should be made inthe courthouse, based upon the evidence presented to them.
                            For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                            But he would think of something

                            "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                            • Originally posted by Drogue
                              Giovanni: It is better not to give an opinion before the trial, else you can be seen as biased and may be asked (by the parties) to be removed from the judge bench for the trial. The fact there is an election shouldn't make a difference, posting your opinion before trial could make you prejudiced, especially having an argument with one of the parties in the trial. No offence intended, just my opinion on the actions of judges, that opinions should be made inthe courthouse, based upon the evidence presented to them.
                              Well... in this case you are very right.

                              Probably I should have waited for all evidences to be brought in front of the court, so if Alecrast will decide not to have me as one of judges of the issue (in case I get elected off course) I will perfecty understand.

                              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                              The trick is the doing something else."
                              — Leonardo da Vinci
                              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                              • In the past, Dakmoristan has stayed out of international affairs; but its growing economic interests in Alecrast and Bulbagarden demand that it speak out.

                                Praetor Shinzon of Dakmoristan condemns unconditionally the acts of terrorism that appear to have been perpetrated by New Sheepsta. He states that Dakmoristan will not recognize this illegitimate terrorist government.

                                Security has been increased in Dakmoristan's capital, Urborg, against possible terrorist retaliations against Alecrastian and Bulbagardenese interests. Praetor Shinzon conveys his regrets to Bulbagarden that the new embassy, open for so short a time, is being ringed with soldiers. Non-essential embassy staff have also left North and South Sheepsta.

                                Shinzon has promised diplomatic support for Alecrast and Bulbagarden in crushing the terrorist insurgency of New Sheepsta.
                                Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.

