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Game Three!!

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  • #91
    Speaking of Eco-Nomics..

    I just had an exam last semester at Grad school in an advanced economics course that was so hard that the highest grade was 73%!

    (Fortunately for me, I had the highest grade!)

    - Skeeve
    My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


    • #92
      Good on you Skeeve!

      Yeah, steer clear of any class that has in the title "Advanced-Microeconomic-theory"

      Gee, there seems to be an unhealthy number of econmists in this thread j/k.

      "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
      --P.J. O'Rourke


      • #93
        ITS A CONSPIRACY OF ECNMISTS aaargh, run for your life, all non-economists!
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #94
          Have you noted that this thread have 99 replies and 1090 views?

          I think is the higer rate ever reached for the CTP 2 forum


          • #95
            I think the first Succession game had more replies, but as for views, that's hard to tell because this site underwent the changeover in format.

            Oh, by the way, in case anyone is wondering, I have the game file now. I will play tonight.. but it will be late because I have a class tonight.

            I hope I haven't gone over 72hours already!

            - Skeeve

            Edit: That's 4 posts in a row that at least 1 "EEK" smiley was used. I wonder if the streak will continue....

            (Something to liven up the boredom until we start a war with another civ)
            My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


            • #96
              4 s in a row!!

              Aargh, now I'm doing it !!

              I think the MedMod2-beta thread had nearly/over 200 replies...

              If you stop to look at the main forums page before diving into CTP2, you may also notice to your shock and amazement that the CTP2 general forum has almost as many posts as the Civ2 general forum, which granted doesn't include strategy, MP or help... But even so, neither does this forum much, so we CTP2 can't be that bad after all
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #97

                I had Intermediate micro exam today (fri) which I suppose is equivalent to your micro II subject, what uni are you at (me Melb Uni).


                • #98
                  Vivala.. looks like you broke the Eek Streak at 5.

                  Sorry, I still haven't completed my turns yet.
                  I will surely be finished by today, and will post early evening.

                  - Skeeve
                  My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by VivalaCTP2

                    I had Intermediate micro exam today (fri) which I suppose is equivalent to your micro II subject, what uni are you at (me Melb Uni).

                    I'm at the University of Auckland. And I suspect that the two papers would be very similar. We use "intermediate micro" text books. The Econ dept at AU calls all Micro papers "Microeconomics" you have to differintiate between them by refering to the stage/year/level.

                    "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
                    --P.J. O'Rourke


                      • 725 BC – Skeeve the Slender, A very distant relative of Snorf’s founder ascends to the throne after VivalaCTP2 and takes the reigns of a peaceful, albeit boring, kingdom. His first order of business is to do away with research on this thing called “Drama”, and start something called “Shipbuilding”. Of course, Skeeve has no idea what use a ship has, except it involves a very strange technology of creating something that despite its size, can float on water. Public works is raised to 20% to make some more roads. Having a fettish for roads, Skeeve also sets Snorf to work on the Appian Way.
                      • 700 BC – Rumors abound that some weirdos called the Incans just declared war on a bunch of wackos called the Ethiopians. Skeeve’s non-response prompts fierce criticism among his advisors. One of them asks him sharply, “What is it with you Skeeve? Are you ignorant or just apathetic?”. Skeeve is reported as saying: “Listen Pal, I don’t know, and I don’t care.
                      • 700 BC - 575 BC Not a creature was stirring, not even a wombat.
                      • 575 BC – Rumors abound that a bunch of good-for-nothings called the “Greeks” have caught wind of our Appian Way project, and started one themselves. Skeeve declares war on them just for spite, but no ambassadors… or any single member of the Greek nation can be found.
                      • 550 BC – Distant sounds of Pillaging are heard. It sounds like clanging swords and a “whoosh whoosh” noise. Beats the hell out of anyone in Australia as to what that means.
                      • 500 BC – The art of Shipbuilding is finally revealed by learned men of the land. A prototype Coracle is begun in Yound NSW, and will be ready in 475BC. Also, the very first domestic trade route is established between Snorf and Rooville! Glass is mined out of the Snorfian Mountains and sold in Rooville. After decades of boredom, all the activity this year is just too much for Skeeve. He dies on a mini-Coracle party-boat between Iratland and Jonnyopolis while celebrating the Australian achievements. An autopsy reveals that his blood alcohol level was 20%. (How we got the technology for that, who knows?!) The reign of the Kingdom passes on to someone with a connection to BerXpert the first... but who?

                      Well, at least we've got a Coracle now. Maybe things will begin to pick up.
                      ... or not.

                      - Skeeve
                      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                      • Just checking in....

                        Finally, an end to the economics talk and another turn posted
                        The Civilization Gaming Network


                        • 500BC Ber the eXpert win the fastest one-drink-one-gallon-pure-alcohol contest, also known as BerXpert is allways confunded like a relative from BerXpert the First. He raise the public work up to 30% to build some nets at Aaargh! to increase the population and reach the Double Crab.

                          475BC First coracle build, routed to the north. Aaargh! start one coracle too. Settlers finished and narrowed to the south.

                          450BC Warrior at west move to the place of the new planed capital of Australians...

                          400BC Settlers cross Snorf, thanks to those roads of Skeeve II

                          350BC Second coracle build, take the route of the south

                          325BC - 300BC Both coracles found the limits of the world, they can't navigate far away afraid of big monsters of the end of the sea. (traduction THE SHIPS ARE UNUSEFULLS )

                          275BC XperLand founded but there was not time to build the new capital, Ber the Xpert abord the Aaargh Siren Coracle II looking of new adventures, leaving the throne empty... rumors said that and Immortal Wombat will take this time the Bored Goverment of Australians


                          • Here is the autobiography of Immortal Wombat II of Australia.

                            In the grand tradition of Australian rulers, Wombat spent the first 75 years of his reign being bored. He wandered from city to city, sampling the local beer, and eating cake.

                            Australian wise men discover the secret of Electricity. Then Wombat stops playing Civ2 in Young NSW and eats some more Cake.

                            The completion of the Appian Way in Snorf brings Wombat into life, and he makes his first executive decision - Snorf begins a settler. On the south coast, a warrior is loaded onto a coracle, and the coracle voyages southwards, in search of new land.

                            Australian wise men, have a break from playing CIv2, and discover Drama. They then start to philosophise about philosophical type things, in the hopes that one day they could discover philosophy.

                            As Wombat goes to unload his warrior onto a small island South of Xpertland (?), he receives a message from the Gods, containing a mysterious decision "Naval Tactics, or Name:". Intrigued, but confused, Wombat takes the cop out third choice - /reloadslic. The message becomes clear, and the troops are unloaded.

                            Iratland finishes bazaar, and starts a theatre.

                            Our warrior continues exploring "Long Island"

                            Young NSW builds a shrine, and rush-buys a warrior under the orders of Wombat.

                            The reasoning behind Wombat's orders becomes apparent, as a coracle completes its long voyage around the island, and arrives in Young NSW harbour, and loads the new warrior unit on board. The city begins building a bazaar.
                            The southern coracle rounds the end of Long Island, and heads for the horizon.

                            At this point, Wombat II becomes the first Australian leader to die not of boredom(!) as he dies of a heart attack when he loses a Civ2 game at 500BC by an AI with one city, which built the spaceship
                            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                            • Nice! Playing CIV2 in 200 BC

                              I guess you must have been using stones and dice!

                              Well, I bet it won't be long before we get to wage war....

                              - Skeeve
                              My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                              • Good on you guys. Things are starting to get interesting, with further exploaration, and even a completed wonder!!!

                                Gee the posts came quickly once Skeeve finally played his turn...

                                umm...I not sure exactly what we would wage war with ...better to concentrate on discovering new techs I think...

                                "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
                                --P.J. O'Rourke

