With the close of Succession Game 1, and 2a, 2b in progress, it's time to think about GAME THREE.
The plan thus far is to start an all-inclusive game in which all current participants are included. We are considering a Gigantic map, played on at least Very Hard, but possibly Impossible (hmm.. sounds a bit paradoxical, doesn't it?).
We'll probably only get about 2-3 turns each, but that means each summary we write will be worth more. I particularly enjoy the humor that comes across in these posts! That thing with the Bob doll was totally hilarious.
Well, without further ado, here is my list so far:
1) Sean - Kimpton@xtra.co.nz (A.k.a. The Child Apolyton)
2) Skeeve - Scanga@Aol.com (Bribed England in shady Arms Scandal)
3) Phoenixcager - Phoenixcager@yahoo.com (Founder of GunPowder)
4) Octavius III - octaviusiii@yahoo.com (The Resource Ruler)
5) Johnny - Jonny11788@aol.com (Exterminated the Irish)
6) Immortal Wombat - Weaver1@tinyworld.co.uk (Founder of the Wombat Maneuver!)
7) Adam - aebbeka@neb.rr.com (History records his rule as short but sweet)
8) Vivala - jbnhl@hotmail.com (Defeated the Germans with Democracy)
9) Rhuarc - Wendell777@hotmail.com (The Lost Emperor)
10) Berxpert - Berxpert@yahoo.com (The Scientist)
11) tedwright@email.msn.com (The Unknown)
12) Mokael - Mokael@aol.com (Told his people to "Spread and Populate" - slightly less famous than "Be Fruitful & Multiply")
13) TR|X - mikemcgowan@btinternet.com (The Also Unknown)
14) Redstar1 - david.archibald@btinternet.com (The Almost Conqueror of Athens)
15) David Murray - david@windygates.com (His people ate too much and worked too little!)
16) Vilius - ctp@vilius.com (The Also Also Unknown)
17) Jackazzstudent - adambrobinson@msn.com (The Ruler with the Kidney Stones)
18) me_irate - me_irate@hotmail.com (a.k.a. Bob the Bored)
19) Darkknight - Gondhi_dm@hotmail.com. (Bob of the Ages)
20) bj - blakjack@planetquake.com (The ruler who brought the pages of history into, well, pages. i.e. the printing press.)
21) rooboy - arb77@optushome.com.au (Often mistook for RobRoy - I don't know!)
Now I know some have dropped out, and perhaps some have been added, but we'll figure that out later. For now, just reply if you are "IN" or "OUT" for this next game.
Redstar - We would very much like for you to continue your updates with this next game on your web-site. That is great fun to read, but I know it's probably a lot of work.
For whatever you're able to do, thanks!
Okay, have a fine weekend, all!
- Skeeve
With the close of Succession Game 1, and 2a, 2b in progress, it's time to think about GAME THREE.
The plan thus far is to start an all-inclusive game in which all current participants are included. We are considering a Gigantic map, played on at least Very Hard, but possibly Impossible (hmm.. sounds a bit paradoxical, doesn't it?).
We'll probably only get about 2-3 turns each, but that means each summary we write will be worth more. I particularly enjoy the humor that comes across in these posts! That thing with the Bob doll was totally hilarious.
Well, without further ado, here is my list so far:
1) Sean - Kimpton@xtra.co.nz (A.k.a. The Child Apolyton)
2) Skeeve - Scanga@Aol.com (Bribed England in shady Arms Scandal)
3) Phoenixcager - Phoenixcager@yahoo.com (Founder of GunPowder)
4) Octavius III - octaviusiii@yahoo.com (The Resource Ruler)
5) Johnny - Jonny11788@aol.com (Exterminated the Irish)
6) Immortal Wombat - Weaver1@tinyworld.co.uk (Founder of the Wombat Maneuver!)
7) Adam - aebbeka@neb.rr.com (History records his rule as short but sweet)
8) Vivala - jbnhl@hotmail.com (Defeated the Germans with Democracy)
9) Rhuarc - Wendell777@hotmail.com (The Lost Emperor)
10) Berxpert - Berxpert@yahoo.com (The Scientist)
11) tedwright@email.msn.com (The Unknown)
12) Mokael - Mokael@aol.com (Told his people to "Spread and Populate" - slightly less famous than "Be Fruitful & Multiply")
13) TR|X - mikemcgowan@btinternet.com (The Also Unknown)
14) Redstar1 - david.archibald@btinternet.com (The Almost Conqueror of Athens)
15) David Murray - david@windygates.com (His people ate too much and worked too little!)
16) Vilius - ctp@vilius.com (The Also Also Unknown)
17) Jackazzstudent - adambrobinson@msn.com (The Ruler with the Kidney Stones)
18) me_irate - me_irate@hotmail.com (a.k.a. Bob the Bored)
19) Darkknight - Gondhi_dm@hotmail.com. (Bob of the Ages)
20) bj - blakjack@planetquake.com (The ruler who brought the pages of history into, well, pages. i.e. the printing press.)
21) rooboy - arb77@optushome.com.au (Often mistook for RobRoy - I don't know!)
Now I know some have dropped out, and perhaps some have been added, but we'll figure that out later. For now, just reply if you are "IN" or "OUT" for this next game.
Redstar - We would very much like for you to continue your updates with this next game on your web-site. That is great fun to read, but I know it's probably a lot of work.
For whatever you're able to do, thanks!
Okay, have a fine weekend, all!

- Skeeve