910 AD: Noticing that his predecesser had been a little leniant on the lazy Australian people, Rooboy II reduces wages by half, as well as increasing the work day from 10 hrs to 12 hrs. The people also seemed to be a little obese, so he cuts rations from 5kg to 2 kg.
920 AD: Geometry is discovered by the scientists in the Snorf Academy, adjacent to the Ponds Institute. They decide that Hullmaking will alow the construction of vessels to traverse the raging oceans that surround the islands. The same year Academies are opened in Iratland and Jonnyopolis. Rooboy II gives orders to kill the bastards on the southern island near NSJ.
930 AD: Snorf begins producing a settler to found a city somewhere, possibly on Van Diemen's Land (the southern island), where NSJ is located.
940 AD: The last remaining barbarian is slaughtered.
950 AD: Aargh builds City Wall because there is nothing else to produce.
960 AD: NSJ is rioting. Hoplite re-enters town centre in an attempt to exert martial law.
970 AD: After 10 long years of rioting, people decide to return to their homes as if nothing had ever happened. Rooboy II couldn't give a toss about these backwards southerners.
980 AD: Yawn
990 AD: Settlers say "auf weidersein" to Snorf. They are stoned for speaking some weird dialect.
1000 AD: Young builds city walls, and removes N.S.W. from it's title, as it wishes to become more cultured.
1010 AD: Young, Aargh and Iratland are currently producing catapults, but Rooboy II's last order to his no.2 was to change production to longships when hullmaking is discovered. Work day is once again increased, the lazy Aussies must now work 14 hours a day. Boredom once again kills the leader of the Aussies, apparently the 18th time such a fate has befallen the leader of the time, and hopefully the last.
920 AD: Geometry is discovered by the scientists in the Snorf Academy, adjacent to the Ponds Institute. They decide that Hullmaking will alow the construction of vessels to traverse the raging oceans that surround the islands. The same year Academies are opened in Iratland and Jonnyopolis. Rooboy II gives orders to kill the bastards on the southern island near NSJ.
930 AD: Snorf begins producing a settler to found a city somewhere, possibly on Van Diemen's Land (the southern island), where NSJ is located.
940 AD: The last remaining barbarian is slaughtered.

950 AD: Aargh builds City Wall because there is nothing else to produce.
960 AD: NSJ is rioting. Hoplite re-enters town centre in an attempt to exert martial law.
970 AD: After 10 long years of rioting, people decide to return to their homes as if nothing had ever happened. Rooboy II couldn't give a toss about these backwards southerners.
980 AD: Yawn
990 AD: Settlers say "auf weidersein" to Snorf. They are stoned for speaking some weird dialect.
1000 AD: Young builds city walls, and removes N.S.W. from it's title, as it wishes to become more cultured.

1010 AD: Young, Aargh and Iratland are currently producing catapults, but Rooboy II's last order to his no.2 was to change production to longships when hullmaking is discovered. Work day is once again increased, the lazy Aussies must now work 14 hours a day. Boredom once again kills the leader of the Aussies, apparently the 18th time such a fate has befallen the leader of the time, and hopefully the last.