Well guys, it looks like it's my turn! 
I will play the file tonight.
Great job with the posts! Very entertaining reading.
Also, since there were no objections, here's the current e-mail list:
1) Sean - Kimpton@xtra.co.nz
2) Skeeve - Scanga@Aol.com
3) Phoenixcager - Phoenixcager@yahoo.com
4) Octavius III - octaviusiii@yahoo.com
5) Johnny - Jonny11788@aol.com
6) Immortal Wombat - Weaver1@tinyworld.co.uk
7) Adam - aebbeka@neb.rr.com
8) Vivala - jbnhl@hotmail.com
9) Rhuarc - Wendell777@hotmail.com
10) Berxpert@yahoo.com
Note to Tr|x:
Please post your e-mail address, and I'll put you on the list for the next game. (I'm keeping track of this privately)
- Skeeve
My reach exceeds my grasp!

I will play the file tonight.
Great job with the posts! Very entertaining reading.
Also, since there were no objections, here's the current e-mail list:
1) Sean - Kimpton@xtra.co.nz
2) Skeeve - Scanga@Aol.com
3) Phoenixcager - Phoenixcager@yahoo.com
4) Octavius III - octaviusiii@yahoo.com
5) Johnny - Jonny11788@aol.com
6) Immortal Wombat - Weaver1@tinyworld.co.uk
7) Adam - aebbeka@neb.rr.com
8) Vivala - jbnhl@hotmail.com
9) Rhuarc - Wendell777@hotmail.com
10) Berxpert@yahoo.com
Note to Tr|x:
Please post your e-mail address, and I'll put you on the list for the next game. (I'm keeping track of this privately)
- Since we are now past the year 1AD.. all turns are limited to 15.
When it gets to the year 1500 AD, turns will be down to 10. - Also, let's make it a rule to post your summary first before passing on the file.
- Skeeve
My reach exceeds my grasp!