Post here any history you have made that you think worthy telling.
The history can be about anything even made up legendary heros, mytical places, religious routines, how is the day in Lemuria, the day as a city governor (even if you re not one), Lemurian national soccer tournment, how did you loose your lemurian tail, etc... Anything. As long as DG related.
The only rules:
* Must be DG history related
* Must have a title
* Must have the author
* Must have more than 5 lines.
The content - (shortcut when clicking it)
20 stories - Pedrunn (8), Turambar (6), Frozzy (3), Ískallin (1), Maquiladora (1), Child of Thor (1).
-- In the Beginning by Pedrunn
- Our people is not nomad anymore. See how!
-- The Birth of Ískallin by Ískallin
- The birth of the first Minister of Infrastructure of our nation.
-- The Seed of a Democracy by Pedrunn
- How did the ministers were chosen and the quest for the Good Land to settle our first city.
-- Dysfunctional in excess by Frozzy
- The fear of the barbarian and the dicontentment of the people towards our long walk.
-- Sword of a Lemurian by Maquiladora
- The minister of Defense expressing his feelings when he was chosen for his function.
-- The Long Walk Has Ended by Pedrunn
- We have finally found the land we shall settle our first city.
-- More Than This... by Frozzy
- The people is confused about the world and what to do now that they are a sedentary people.
-- Legend of Turambar I: The Newcomers by Turambar
- We have made the first contact. How did the warriors felt about this. Specially the young Turambar.
-- Legend of Turambar II by Turambar
- One day in the Lemurian warrior army camp.
-- Hostile Reflections by Frozzy
- Some people just are not ready for war.
-- Family Contradictions by Pedrunn
- Even the royal family have their differences among each other.
-- Today is a good day to die by Child of Thor
- The soldiers are sharpenning their swords and preparing for the war to come.
-- Two Sides of the Same Coin by Pedrunn
- The creation of the War Party and the Apolymuria People's Party and how they influence our people.
-- Legend of Turambar III: Changes by Turambar
- Hoplites, new leader, war, etc... A lot have changed in the warrior camp.
-- Legend of Turambar IV: Innsbruck by Turambar
- The Austrian city of Innsbruck now called H Town is ours. Check out our first war victory here!
-- Pressburg slaughter by Pedrunn
- Another victory of our army. The Austrian city of Pressburg was conquered!
-- Legend of Turambar V: Back in the field by Turambar
- After conquering two of their cities did you really think the Austrians weren't going to counter-attack!?!
-- The New Minister of Defense by Pedrunn
- Austrians keep coming. Look their most dangerous threat and the coming of the new minister of defense.
-- Legend of Turambar VI: Lord H Tower by Turambar
- Turamabar have left the warrior camp to H Town in a important mission.
-- Miltary Decisions by Pedrunn
- The administration of Pedrunn as minister of Defense (Discussions of the 9th Game Chat)
Thank you