Its been a long long road, but I am ready to release the first version of the Visible Wonders Mod.
The way I have set it up is as an add-on to the plain, v1.2 patched CtP2. This is because:
1. Its easier for me to make and upload.
2. Its easier for Dave, Wes, Dale(?) et al. to add it to their mods should they so wish, than for me to issue 5 or 6 different versions.
I have provided what I hope is an adequate readme file for installing, using, and integrating the mod with/into any version of the game, and I will of course be very happy to answer any other questions by email or ICQ (#114083698)
I hope the mod lives up to everyone's expectations; there are 40 wonders included in the tile file, though only 8 are used in the default game; the wonders appear on the map the turn after you build them. It is possible, if you build your city on a one or two-tile island, or surrounded by mountains, that you may not get the wonders to appear, and it is advisable to be careful when placing tile improvements the turn after the wonder is built, not to do so in places where the wonder could be being constructed.
Also in the tile file are the 27 graphics for use in the city expansion mod which I hope will be finished before September.
I included them so that I won't have to make another tile file to upload, but I think I will have to anyway, I have other tile improvement plans...

I request the mod be added to the Directory ASAP (can you do that Locutus, or should I email Markos?), as that has a hit counter, and 250free does not

Lastly, many, many thanks to everyone who posted in that gargantuan thread, especially Leonidas, Pedrunn, Locutus, and hex for those graphics. Much appreciated

But anyway, download, enjoy.

Keep on Civin'
edit: link (and file) fixed.