Funny timing, SMIFFGIG's...
No, don't worry, this mod is still alive, but until a few days ago dormant. Just a few days ago I found some time to work on my list of civs again and I've also make some major revisions to my unit/buildings/wonders lists and the advance tree. Unfortunately most of these ideas are in my head and not on paper (or rather, in a file), so I can't share them with you at the moment.
I've taken a lot of ideas discussed in this forum in the past few months and included them in my 'mental' design doc, but I still haven't gotten around to implementing any of it yet.
There is currently one thing I would like everyone's feedback on, I planned to post a seperate thread on this but I might as well post it here now: I need suggestions for city improvements and governments. I think I was to do some major revisions to the current buildings list and I want to add a bunch of extra governments (although these ideas are far from final yet). Especially ideas on more non-Westerncentric buildings/governements are welcome as my list is currently still too Western-centric IMHO...
Here's a list of buildings and governments I came up with myself. This is a result of copy-pasting and some brainstorming, a lot of these might not make it into the game but I at the moment I just need as many ideas as possible (selection of the best ones comes later) so I could very much use suggestions:
Ancient: Tyranny, Dynasty, City State, Oligarchy, Monarchy
Classical: Ancient Republic, Tribunal Empire, Dictatorship, Democracy
Medieval: Shogunate, Caliphate, Monarchy, Theocracy, Khanate
Renaissance: Colonial Empire, Sultanate, Confederation, Republic
Industrial: Constitutional Monarchy, Federal Republic, ???, ???
Modern: Parliamentary Democracy, Fascism, Communism, ???
Information: Fundamentalism, Corporate Republic, Technocracy, Socialism
Genetic: Virtual Democracy, Ecotopia, ???, ???
Happiness: Temple (Anc), Theatre (Cla), Mosque/Cathedral (Med), Concert Hall (Ren), Public Park (Ind), Movie Palace (Mod), Stadium (Inf), VR Amusement Park (Gen)
Gold: Bazaar (Anc), Agora (Cla), City Clock (Med), Bank (Ren), Brokerage (Ind), Airport (Mod), TV Station (Inf), E-Bank (Gen)
Science: Ziggurat (Anc), Library (Cla), University (Med), Publishing House (Ren), Public School (Ind), Computer Centre (Mod), Research Park (Inf), Orbital Laboratory (Gen)
Production: Work Camp (Anc), Forge (Cla), Mill (Med), ??? (Ren), Factory (Ind), Oil Refinery (Mod), Nuclear Plant (Inf), Fusion Plant (Gen)
Growth: Granary (Anc), Aquaduct (Cla), Hospital (Med), Warehouse (Ren), Food Silo (Ind), Sewer System (Mod), Filtration Plant (Inf), Arcology (Gen)
Defense: City Wall (Anc), Ballista Towers (Cla), Castle (Med), Bastion (Ren), Battlements (Ind), Flak Towers (Mod), Army Base (Inf), Forcefield (Gen)
Crime: Courthouse (Cla), Prison (Ind), Security Monitor (Gen)
Pollution: Public Transport (Ind), Recycling Centre (Mod), Eco-Transit (Inf), Matter Decompiler (Gen)
Other: Harbor (Anc), Barracks (Cla), Capital (Cla), SDI (Inf), Micro-Defense (Gen), Nanite Factory? (Gen), Gaia Computer (Gen), Power Satellite (Gen)
No, don't worry, this mod is still alive, but until a few days ago dormant. Just a few days ago I found some time to work on my list of civs again and I've also make some major revisions to my unit/buildings/wonders lists and the advance tree. Unfortunately most of these ideas are in my head and not on paper (or rather, in a file), so I can't share them with you at the moment.
I've taken a lot of ideas discussed in this forum in the past few months and included them in my 'mental' design doc, but I still haven't gotten around to implementing any of it yet.
There is currently one thing I would like everyone's feedback on, I planned to post a seperate thread on this but I might as well post it here now: I need suggestions for city improvements and governments. I think I was to do some major revisions to the current buildings list and I want to add a bunch of extra governments (although these ideas are far from final yet). Especially ideas on more non-Westerncentric buildings/governements are welcome as my list is currently still too Western-centric IMHO...
Here's a list of buildings and governments I came up with myself. This is a result of copy-pasting and some brainstorming, a lot of these might not make it into the game but I at the moment I just need as many ideas as possible (selection of the best ones comes later) so I could very much use suggestions:
Ancient: Tyranny, Dynasty, City State, Oligarchy, Monarchy
Classical: Ancient Republic, Tribunal Empire, Dictatorship, Democracy
Medieval: Shogunate, Caliphate, Monarchy, Theocracy, Khanate
Renaissance: Colonial Empire, Sultanate, Confederation, Republic
Industrial: Constitutional Monarchy, Federal Republic, ???, ???
Modern: Parliamentary Democracy, Fascism, Communism, ???
Information: Fundamentalism, Corporate Republic, Technocracy, Socialism
Genetic: Virtual Democracy, Ecotopia, ???, ???
Happiness: Temple (Anc), Theatre (Cla), Mosque/Cathedral (Med), Concert Hall (Ren), Public Park (Ind), Movie Palace (Mod), Stadium (Inf), VR Amusement Park (Gen)
Gold: Bazaar (Anc), Agora (Cla), City Clock (Med), Bank (Ren), Brokerage (Ind), Airport (Mod), TV Station (Inf), E-Bank (Gen)
Science: Ziggurat (Anc), Library (Cla), University (Med), Publishing House (Ren), Public School (Ind), Computer Centre (Mod), Research Park (Inf), Orbital Laboratory (Gen)
Production: Work Camp (Anc), Forge (Cla), Mill (Med), ??? (Ren), Factory (Ind), Oil Refinery (Mod), Nuclear Plant (Inf), Fusion Plant (Gen)
Growth: Granary (Anc), Aquaduct (Cla), Hospital (Med), Warehouse (Ren), Food Silo (Ind), Sewer System (Mod), Filtration Plant (Inf), Arcology (Gen)
Defense: City Wall (Anc), Ballista Towers (Cla), Castle (Med), Bastion (Ren), Battlements (Ind), Flak Towers (Mod), Army Base (Inf), Forcefield (Gen)
Crime: Courthouse (Cla), Prison (Ind), Security Monitor (Gen)
Pollution: Public Transport (Ind), Recycling Centre (Mod), Eco-Transit (Inf), Matter Decompiler (Gen)
Other: Harbor (Anc), Barracks (Cla), Capital (Cla), SDI (Inf), Micro-Defense (Gen), Nanite Factory? (Gen), Gaia Computer (Gen), Power Satellite (Gen)