Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
The problem with your and Wes' settings as well is that the player is kept from negative clicks and the AI as well, but the human will try everything to stay on zero cklicks for all sliders. But the AI will use them to cure happiness by using positive clicks.
The problem with your and Wes' settings as well is that the player is kept from negative clicks and the AI as well, but the human will try everything to stay on zero cklicks for all sliders. But the AI will use them to cure happiness by using positive clicks.
Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
The problem is that this AI strategy will cause the AI falling behind you in techs and economy. It is only a question of time. Also with my minimum happiness settings the AI use the sliders to fight againts riots.
The problem is that this AI strategy will cause the AI falling behind you in techs and economy. It is only a question of time. Also with my minimum happiness settings the AI use the sliders to fight againts riots.
Another thing in MedMod was that Wes did not do, IMO, is give the AI a big enough production/food/commerce/science boost on the higher levels. Maybe bumping up the numbers in DiffDb.txt will compensate fo any slider movement that the AI will do. Because I had reduced the benefits of what each slider will give to a player, in terms of a percentage, even if the AI does max out the sliders, it may not actually lose too much because of the bonuses it gets from DiffDb.txt.
I haven't noted many riots in Cradle, though I will keep an eye on it. Most have been, I suspect, revolts due to slave/garrison issues.
Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
The slic file that adds in riot cities a building that will increase happiness is now working only a small modification that will make it only work for the AIs is missing.
Maybe a happiness cheat for the AI could push the delvelopement of AI civs.
The slic file that adds in riot cities a building that will increase happiness is now working only a small modification that will make it only work for the AIs is missing.
Maybe a happiness cheat for the AI could push the delvelopement of AI civs.